
Would you describe Islam as having Communist or Capitalist leanings?

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For all brothers and sisters; do you agree with either/or of these economic ideologies?

And do you agree with the harsher of the sharia laws?

Sorry about so many questions..

Peace to all..





  1. islam is neither but it is closer to capitalism with many social aspects.

    in islam you can own things, you compete, you trade, you gain as per your effort, which is closer to capitalism.

    however, the rich is encouraged to play kinda a parental role to the poorer.

    i dont know what you mean by the harsher sharia law? did you assume that the sharia law is harsh?

    anyhow, i believe in implementing sharia law, which is not happening perfectly in any country in the world.

    when sharia law was implemented perfectly in the older days, a jew pressed charges against the kaliphat (dont recall omar or othman)

    and the judge made the verdict for the jew as the kaliphat didn't have enough evidence to deny charges. this is the right sharia law.

  2. It sounds capitalist more than communist. It doesn't say share all your wealth with have-nots. It says earn and give alms to have-nots.

    It is possible to believe in sharing and be Muslim. It is also possible to believe in (fair) trade and be Muslim. But the Book doesn't say which to practice.

  3. No I do not think so because there is a very good explanation for all of that and I do agree that some of the sharia laws are a bit harsh but speaking as a muslim endure it and try to follow it as best as you can and you will be rewarded.

  4. These are some excerpts from another forum I found.

    = = = = = = = = = =

    I have studied Islam for the last 12 years and I can tell you there is nothing peaceful about it. Islam is at the center of every single military type conflict around the world at this time. Every single one.


    Mohammed Lived in Mecca and claimed the Archangel Gabriel taught him the ways of Allah.  From Mohammed's dictations, his deciples wrote those teachings down and it became the Koran.  (Why did he have followers before the Koran?  Because he was really just a warlord trying to gain power.)

    Mohammed later moved to Medina, there the Koran continued to be developed, but at this point began to contradict other parts of the Koran.  His solution was to tell everyone that Allah is allowed to change his mind, and that the later teachings take priority over the earlier ones if they contradict.  (This is also the period where it became more violent as Mohammed began to seize and wanted to hold onto his status as the warlord, person in charge).

    The Koran is missing lots of details in the teachings and the events.  Mohammed's solution was the Hadith.  The Hadith provides the details missing from the Koran as dictated by Mohammed and are considered un-challengeable. The Hadith is considered absolute fact, unless it is contradicted by the Koran (of which the Koran rules), and the Koran cannot be challenged unless it is contradicted by other teachings in the Koran of which the later teachings take priority. (This is all very convenient for a warlord trying to seize power and people were just stupid enough to believe it as they are today).

    The weight of Islam is this.  Mohammed just made everything up as a way to seize power, he the Koran and the Hadith are all lies where the "Teachings" are concerned. However, they were also used to record actual historical events and since the Koran at that time was still a living document (being modified) it was written with "teachings" that coincided with the actual events which could be verified. This greatly contributed to the reasons why the later Koran text contradicts the earlier ones, because at this point real events could be applied.


    It is VERY important to remember that EVERYTHING in a Muslims entire life is second to Islam. They will utilize whatever means they have in the interest of Islam because they feel Allah's laws are above everything else, and that they are justified in whatever means they use to help promote it.  If they work in a field containing sensitive data that can be used to promote Islam, they will grab it. If they work at the Department of Motor Vehicles and are looking for someone that is against Islam and they have the means to track them down, they will use it. If they work at a Internet Service Provider and are trying to track down a person who provides anti-islamic stuff on the Internet, they will get the information and use it against people (All of this has happened a lot in recent history). Restricting hiring practices so that it cannot be based on religion was a stupid idea.

    Turkistan is a democracy which is mostly Muslim, and those in power have recently started to introduce Islamic law.  They have not passed yet, but it is only a matter of time as they spread of Islam in that country has caused the problem and makes it difficult to get rid of that late in the game.

    France is now believed to be some 60% Muslim.  This is a country that in not too distant past was only a tiny fraction of a few percent anything but Christian.  In the last five years or so girls were ordered to remove their head scarves in schools but that was met with outrage and violence and now, laws were adjusted to allow it (a little at a time).  More and more politicians are pro-Islamic and too flexible on these maters.  It is believed that France this "passive country" that often tries to stay neutral will soon be taken over by Islamic law.


    It is the goal of Islam to spread its teachings and impose Islamic law wherever it can and by whatever means it can. It is the specifically stated in the Koran.

    Many go into power, claiming to be Christian and then surprisingly "convert" to Islam.  Once in power they do whatever they can to bring about change that will promote Islam. It may be something extreme but is usually something more subtle such as voting for laws that allow Islam to spread in some way such as allowing public rallies for it where it might be more restricted otherwise. Or in some cases voting to allow a tower with speakers to announce "call to prayer" publicly.  This has happened in several communities around the world that were mostly Christian.  One such example is Mayor Jack Ellis of Macon Georgia in the United States.

    On top of all this, Barack Hussain Obama, is the son of a man who is not only, not an American, but a Muslim. Barack's mother later re-married yet another Muslim, Barack Obama attended a Muslim school  

  5. I used to be a Marxist before the days I became a religious Muslim....In those days I didnt know enough about Islam and I could have been called an agnostic

    I dont agree completely with either systems now...and to tell the truth I prefer Sharia law over either.....

    Sharia is not a governing system it is a system of Laws, so because I value both hard labour and morale obligation I would say out of Communism and Capitalism I would like a mixture of the beliefs....

    I say hardcore Marxists cannot be muslims, neither can hardcore Capitalists....

  6. Disagree with both. Islam is a religion which includes both ideologies, except Islamic ideology is completely different, and, in my opinion, a much better one. For those who argue constantly about communism vs capitalism, an alternative would be Shariah.

    Communism means no matter what your education, you earn as much as the next person. You have the same houses, you're practically identical. And the leader gets all the money as seen with previous communist ideologies.

    However, Capitalism means that those with higher education can gain more money, whereas the poor are left behind.

    A bit of both with Islam mixed in is nice.


  7. Some Muslims turn to Communism, but in reality there is nothing in common.

    The Jewish Bolsheviks in the name of Communism, murdered millions of Christians and Muslims during USSR. .

    Both, Communism and Capitalism have their flaws. Where else Islam is flawless, and has its own system, far superior to any man made doctrine.

  8. Present day Islam clearly has been influenced by n**i ideology.

  9. Neither, Communist ideology sounds quite interesting, but in practical sense it is not very good.

    I go for the Shari'ah ideology because it is the natural path that Allah swt has set for us.

    To those who don't know what Shari'ah is:

    Shari`ah, conceptually, refers to a set of rules, regulations, teachings, and values governing the lives of Muslims. However, these rules and regulations, contrary to how they are often described by many non-Muslims, cover every aspect of life. Shari`ah embraces worship, morals, individual attitude and conduct, as well as the political, social, economic, criminal, and civil spheres.

  10. 1 wrong + 1wrong can never be right

    Islam is not  THEORY! it is a system of prosper in human way. Zakat / poor due is a guarantee of food on the table for ALL.


    That which ye lay out for increase through the property of (other) people, will have no increase with Allah: but that which ye lay out for charity, seeking the Countenance of Allah, (will increase): it is these who will get a recompense multiplied.


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