
Would you describe me as overweight?

by  |  earlier

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  1. don't you think your a little old for the i no im not fat but im fishing for compliments game.

  2. no, thats how all women should look, not stick insects, but womanly.

  3. absolutely not, you're the perfect size :)

  4. Nope :)  

  5. definitely not.

  6. not at all. your a perfect weight, slim.  

  7. No,you look good,Are you size8-10?My size is 10 now,I put on weight after having a baby and my husband keeps telling me that I have to exercise to become slimier.Men are never happy,whoever they have got.So don't worry about it!You are a good-looking young lady,as long as you are happy that all that matters.Good luck.

  8. No defo not, what festival was that?

  9. no...

    dont be silly your FINE!!!


  10. defnitly not your normal size  lol

  11. Where did you get the Idea your'e overwieght Julia you look very Healthy to me And you have colour in your cheeks I need a ice cream now

  12. Not at all.

  13. deffently



  14. No your just right

  15. no

  16. omg you are so d**n fine...your body shape is perfect, nooo you are not overweight, not by a long shot

  17. yeah i think you're pretty chunky...especially in the thighs. i'd guess you weighed around 150-160?

  18. Erm, sorry, but yes.

    You have really nice proportions so i don't think that you need to feel paranoid about it - but medically speaking i would guess you are over-weight.

    What are you, about 11 and a half stone (161lbs)?

    I think that you look good, but i think if you were any bigger and you'd be too big.

  19. nope

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