
Would you describe what's happening to the McCain camp as "The perfect storm"?

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And I don't just mean, "Gustav". The hurricane set to hit New Orleans (and remind everyone how inept Bushco was when Katrina hit), the spotlight being taken off the RNC, the disasterous Palin pick, the distinct possibility that she's raising her granddaughter as her daughter?

Is this the perfect storm coming ashore on GOPville?




  1. Gustav is stealing their show & they hate it! This is a bad omen for them!;-]

  2. No, the story is a lib hack job. You should grab some pretzels from Bush next time you're at the White House.

  3. If the Palin rumor is substantiated, this could spell disaster on all fronts for the GOP.   Gustav's arrival during the Republican convention is a powerful reminder of how negligent the federal (& state & local) government was during and since Katrina.  That event was a major turning point in Bush's already shaky popularity.  Let's hope everyone has learned some vital lessons.    

  4. You are very right there. Its pathetic and I have been following the campaign. I am a Canadian and have an interest in American politics as your country is alot stronger then our country in numbers, so what happens there affects us. When Palin got up to speak, I turned to my husband and said OH MY GOD he really messed up this time. Hes screwed. She is for keeping the baby even if you are raped or the victim of incest. She cares less for wildlife conservation and her kicks are gotten killing and gutting animals. I am afraid for you all if you do not see the light. Obama has it all eloquence intelligence and the ability to bring your country once again to the greatness it once had. I pray for all of you.

  5. Definitely--maybe we should focus on Obama and the promises he made to the troops about getting out of Iraq (when president)!

  6. Why is it a problem that she MIGHT be raising her granddaughter as her daughter? Would you prefer that her daughter and granddaughter moved into the South side of Chicago and raised her in the ghetto? Would that make her more legitimate if she were on welfare and WIC?

    You're just nervous that Palin is an excellent choice and it just might push McCain right over the top.

    Further it wasn't Bush who caused the problems in New Orleans during Katrina but the Democrat governor of Louisiana who cried on international television because her lack of planning and command caused people to die. The current Republican governor is not letting that happen. Additionally, Ray Nagin made sure that all his family and friends were safe and let his city drowned even though there were means to get them out of the city in plenty of time. Yet, in typical fashion, they re-elected him.

    I find it typical that you Democrats are actually happy that Gustav is set to hit New Orleans and the other areas again simply because the spotlight is taken off the RNC. Pathetic.

    Yeah, but your still voting for Obama so I guess you only have a problem with White Republican politicians who manipulate and lie. Like whoever started this rumor, for instance.

  7. Not at all, but I do see an ever-more-obvious storm of panic looming low on the left horizon. One can almost smell the liberal defeat lingering on the rising winds.

  8. The ineptitude when Katrina hit was propagated by "Chocolate City" Ray Nagin and the Governor of LA who was  also a Democrat. The Palin pick was a great pick, although I feel Romney was the better choice. That rumor about Palin is just that, a rumor Most likely put forth by the Democrat Party.  

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