
Would you describe yourself as an obsessed tennis fan?

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I know theres more than 2 of us out there.

Just to help define obsessed if people are unsure... then obsessive definantly counts if you cry when ur fav player loses. Or wins - thats probably worse actually. And if you get up at absurd hours to watch their matches... everytime. And if you get nervous a few days before they play. :)




  1. yes... with the usual symptoms:

    waking up at ungodly hours for matches

    hours upon hours online

    getting into crazy arguments of fave player/s

    euphoria in victory

    crushed in defeat

    oh and i almost forgot:

    lurking around yahoo answers... answering all sorts of questions: mundane, loopy, rhetorical, imaginative and the ones bordering on fantasy... :P

  2. There are many obsessed fans as me. Like right now, I am trying to find out when Roger plays sunday so I can see it live. If he plays at midnight, I am watching the whole match (duh!) to see him beat Tursunov (hopefully in straight sets) no matter how long it takes live, but if he doesn't play at midnight, I'll record it. Allez Roger and Safina! :) What a shame though that Maria got injured again. She won't even play the US Open this year :( Poor her. I love her and is s**y + beautiful xoxo

  3. I'm obsessed as well. My hands get so cold everytime I watch Masha play even if she's in a winning position I still get so damned nervous. I spend most of my free time in tennis message boards and I even skip school sometimes just to watch Maria play. Even now that she's out injured I still follow the sport.

  4. Depends really. If hoping to catch a tournament while in session, on TV, somewhere on TV, but not able to find it especially on TennisChannel, for they will show repeats matches and repeat "destination Tennis" shows from 2004, and be hugely disappointed not locating a live airing, then that I guess makes me obsessive tennis fan. As well as feeling miserable when one of my favs loses, or pulls out/retires. Guess that might make me an obsessive fan too. I do know that while on court playing, I never get enough, and can last for hours and hours even in the heat, and disappointed when those I play against cant deal with it, being out there longer then an hour. Guess that makes me obsessive player too lol.

  5. You have no idea.  Every Wimbledon I set my alarm clock to wake me up at 6:00 AM in the moring so I don't miss anything, especially the finals.  And I remember I stayed up till 4 AM to watch that 5 setters between Agassi and Sampras in that classic Aussie Open semi final back in 2000.  Yes, I'm obsessed and I need help.  Haha :)

  6. Gosh I am always the last to answer. LOL But before I answer let me say thanks to ♥ J'Adore Blake♥ for posting such a lovely question for us tennis fanatics to answer. I know I am going to have a lot of fun answering this question as it will give me the opportunity to reflect on some of my favorite memories in tennis

    Okay of course I would describe myself as a totally obsessive psychotic tennis fan. LOL And I make no apologies for being this way. LOL. Do you know that feeling you get when you are perhaps driving or walking down the street, and the wind is blowing through your hair and suddenly you find yourself smiling and trying your best to control your laughter because you are afraid that everyone around you would think you are crazy? LOL

    I don't know if anyone has ever experienced moments like this but it is in these moments that make life worth living for me. Because in these moments I find the peace and happiness in all that is around me. The world may be so active and alive all around me but in that moment I feel like the world has stopped just for me, and always the feeling, thought or memory that invokes this sense of serenity is directly connected to tennis.

    I will be rushing to reach someplace on time and suddenly my mind would drift across to a distant tennis match or memory and suddenly it's like I feel alive all over again. I feel like the problems and issues that I am maybe confronting at the moment is so insignificant and downright stupid whenever I realize that the world is so much bigger than me and whatever I am trying to confront. The memory and thought of tennis does this for me.

    I remember being 12 and watching Steffi win her sixth Wimbledon final in 1995, in that epic match she played against Arantxa Sanchez Vacario. The marathon 11th game of the final set which went 11th or 12th deuces will always be one of my all-time favorite moments in tennis for me.

    Then when she beat Monica Seles in the US Open final later that year, that championship point was like facing life and death in that one moment for me. I simply could not wait to see her win that point and end that painful and dreadful match once and for all. LOL I remember actually crying my heart out and my sister laughing at me. Sure I was embarrassed!!!

    Does anyone remember the 1999 Wimbledon Quarterfinal match Graf played against Venus Williams? I would equate this match with the Men’s Wimbledon Final this year for the sheer length it took them to complete it with the many rain delays and the intensity that both players brought out in that match. It was perhaps the most awful experience I had watching a tennis match because I was uncontrollably shaking and soo darn nervous before, during and after every point in the match, and I was close to freaking tears about a billion times throughout the entire match. LOL Gosh even now I am still embarrassed to say this. LOL. Luckily I was better able to control my emotions during that epic Federer/Nadal Wimbledon final.

    It has been eight years later and to this day I still have not gotten over Graf’s lost to Lindsay Davenport in the 1999 Wimbledon final. I know… I am in severe need of some therapy!!! LOL To this day I still detest hearing anyone talk about that match and that loss for Steffi. It’s simply too painful!!! LOL

    Well Steffi is long retired now and I thought that with her gone I would be able to relax and actually enjoy tennis once again. You know just simply follow the sport because you love it soo much. I honestly thought that with Steffi retired, that there would not be another one player that I would love and cheer for, so much so, that it would over power my actual love for the sport. But that was not meant to be. It just seemed whenever I really want someone to win, I can’t even watch their matches. I mean I would purposely not watch the match!!! I would prefer to watch someone I don’t like than watch someone I love. I am that obsessed!!!! LOL

  7. I guess I would qualify, I cried when Federer lost to Nadal(at Wimbledon). I also still get emotional when I see Agassi win his French Open title, to complete his career slam. I will get up really early to catch a match. I also have the tennis channel and will watch classic matches as well. I have been watching tennis for well over 25 years and I absolutely love it.

  8. Hmm maybe-though I would be alot worse if Jen Capriati was playing right now!! I am obsessed with tennis(I stay up at ridiculous times to watch it all year round) but I have no emotional attachment to any of the players(except Jen of course!).

    Yeah I'm pretty obsessed with the sport but not with any of the players at the moment.

    My beautiful, Feminine Jen will comeback and show them all what women's tennis is really about!!!

  9. I would probably count myself as obsessed. If there's a tournament on, I will go out of my way to watch it, and if I'm physically incapable of watching it, I will keep with the live scoring somewhere on the internet. I was in France at the time of the Wimbly final this year, and wondered round for ages to find an English pub that was showing it, then sat in it all through the rain delays to watch. Then I cried. In front of everyone. It was embarrassing. I checked all the other matches on the laptop, and came back to over £500 in internet bills! Thank goodness the laptop was supposed to be for work, though, so I don't have to pay. *Guilty smile*. The past few weeks I stayed up til 3AM to watch various Masters Series semis and finals, and  would do so for the Olympics if that's the time they're on. So in a word, yes.

  10. Well I am not a crazed person who would die for tennis but I am a HUGE fan. I wake up so early in the morning to see the Shanghai Masters tournament. I follow all the scores everyday. I try to watch all the matches that are played on tv.

  11. I am a very obsessed tennis fan. A perfect example would be the '08 Wimbledon Final. The night before, I packed everything I needed onto the couch : Popcorn, chips, soda, and my sleeping bag! It was crazyyyyyyyy. I even won a bet. :D

  12. I think y`know my answer hun :) ! I do cry when he wins aswell haha It sucks Roger`s game has been all screwed up with the times duno whether im coming or going lol. I think Rafa is playing at like 3:30am this morning sooo im going stay up and check it out. Federer is playing tomorrow at 10:30am for me....! Anyway chat soon.

    p.s ive read over all these answers and i gotta say folks im still most definitely the worst out yous all :) ! ! ! Kait we are still the most obsessed :P! Nothing tops what we do....... lol

  13. yes i use to be somewhat obessed.. when justine henin was playing i would always run to the computer to check her official website to see the latest match of her result..

    when she played in the australian open i watched her match at 3:00 am agains't sharpova.. she got killed.. i went to bed shocked!

    last years wimbledon when she had that big upset loss to Marion Bartoli i was stunned, and depressed for 2- 3 days that she did not get to that wimbledon final..

    when she announced retirement i cried that day... and i think the day after..... i am still bitter about it....

  14. I'm not obsessed, but I really am a fan and like the sport a lot. I collect sport items, clothes, play tennis and watch it. I'm somewhat obsessed, but not completely.

  15. Haha this is a good question!

    Lets see, I cried when Rafa screwed up the championship points in the Wimbledon '08 final, and again when he won!  My nails got bitten so much then lmao

    I stayed up till like 6am watching the Rogers Cup lol - was totally worth it though to see Rafa winning ;)

    I also jumped all over the house when he won and woke up my mum :-s  She was not happy lol

    I never miss Wimbledon, and tape the finals lol

    I get sooooooooo nervous when Rafa is playing, and even more if he is losing (not very often :-P) :)

    So yep, I guess you could call me obsessed :-P

  16. hmmm... i would say i am.  i get affected emotionally when nadal loses or wins, but not to the point that i shed tears.  altho, the night nadal won wimbledon, i treat my family to dinner.  also, i'm answering yahoo! answers!

    however, i dont get upset when people criticizes nadal.  so i guess i'm not that obsessed.

  17. Yes I can admit to being an obsessed tennis fan and I'm not ashamed to admit it LOL! I will look all over the internet and tv guide's to find out what time tennis comes on and I will get up probably at least 1 or two hours before and make sure I go to bed early so I don't miss it and sometimes I tape still even if I'm watching it.

    Whenever Federer is playing I cannot be bothered, I turn my cellphone off and grab snacks and I don't budge until his match is over and whenever he makes a seriously sick shot I jump up and cheer! it's sad though because whenever he's in a grandslam final my stomach does backflips and I'm so nervous, but whether he wins or loses I know I'm still supporting him no matter what. To me when I watch a grandslam final it's just not that interesting if he isn't in it, his game is so fun to watch.I know what you mean! When I watched the Wimbledon final I was a nervous wreck. When he came back alive in the last couple of sets I cheered so loudly and when he lost I was pretty heartbroken. What really got me was the disappointed look in his eyes and when he did his interview with Mcenroe and you could see he was ready to lose it and that's why Mcenroe cut it short and then hugged him and you could see he was sad and I literally started crying LOL. I don't like seeing Rogie upset, but in the end I was a proud fan because he didn't let the title go without a fight, that's all I could've asked for was that Fed make Rafa play for that Wimbledon title. GO FED!

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