
Would you die before you hit the ground if you fell from an aeroplane?

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Would you die before you hit the ground if you fell from an aeroplane?




  1. Depends on how high,due lack of oxygen,low temperature.


  3. No. You die when you hit the ground

  4. not necessarily,you would pass out because of the thinness of the air,and probably the shock , but believe it or not after terrorists blew up a plane over Scotland people were found still strapped to there seats with grass in there hands which means they must have been alive for a while in order to have pulled at the grass

  5. the fall wouldn't do it, but if you jumped from high enough hypoxia or cold might do you in.

  6. No.  Terminal velocity isn't very fast.  It's like 70 MPH.  Do motorcyclists die because they ride that fast?  Of course not.

    It's not the fall, it's the quick stop at the end.

  7. You'd suffocate or have a heart attack before you hit the floor.

  8. Very very unlikely, unless you have a heart attack or something.

    You can, however, pass out because of the lack of oxygen and low air pressure, if you fall from a very high altittude.

    Skydivers usually keep to safer altittudes, otherwise an oxygen mask is a must!

  9. one word...yes

  10. no otherwise how do you skydive??

  11. It would depend on how high up the aeroplane was and what clothing you were wearing.

  12. It sort of depends on your altitude and how much damage you suffered leaving that aircraft.  Falling out of an aircraft usually involves structural failure of some sort and when a plane loses a significant amount of bulkhead, 600 mph winds and the things they carry, can do some serious harm.   I don't recommend experimenting to answer this question.

  13. You would not die until you hit the ground. Even at very high altitudes the lack of oxygen would merely cause you to pass out, but it wouldn't be sufficient to kill you. It might indeed be cold, but not cold enough to kill you in the 2 minutes that it would take to fall to a warm altitude. Your only hope is to pass out, and never wake up again.

  14. Only if you quickly had heart failure. Otherwise you'd wait for the splat.

  15. This would depend on the altitude (freeze or suffocate), if you reach terminal velocity, or have a heart attack. When 9/11 happened and people leaped out of to top floors, it was reported that the majority died before impact, only a few died at the result of, how can i put it, going "splat". But as it is very difficult to actually know what happened on that aspect then that is not fact.

  16. if you burned up in the atmosphere, yes. otherwise, you die when you hit the ground. i think if someone fell off a plane, they would faint, hit the ground, then die

  17. I always thought it was myth...cant believe you would die until you hit the ground, unless you had a dickie ticker!

  18. No, there have been people who have jumped from aircraft, some from around 30,000ft and lived, without parachute's i should add.

  19. Did the people jumping out of world trade  on 9/11

    die before they hit the ground ?

  20. I believe that the world record (accidentally gained during the 2nd world war) for a completely free fall to the ground without a parachute was something in excess of 18000ft. I believe the airman concerned landed in a pine forest and escaped with a broken ankle.

    I think you'd just have to wait, patiently, for the ground to come up and meet you, unless you had a heart attack on your way to that meeting.

  21. It depends entirely upon the altitude. At 30,000 feet you would pass out from oxygen starvation and could die. You might also have haemorrhage's in vital organs due to the sudden loss of air pressure. But at lower altitudes it's not the fall that kills you it's the sudden stop when you hit the ground.

  22. Yes, I think you would die from shock, your heart would probably beat so fast it would just stop.

  23. dont no let me know we u try it lol

  24. High enough you would not be able to breath, and would most certainly freeze.

  25. No, I think the probability that you're getting hit by a car or a meteor on the way down is extremely low. Imagine that bad luck! Like you weren't just meant to die, but God wanted to make absolutely sure.

  26. hold on, i'll  just try it......................................... ground is cuming up......still no...........silence...................

    seriously, i!m no expert but i would fathom an educated guess and say most certainly heart attack would occur, depending on each persons state of health of course....

    but also depends if you were conscious or not.....

    oh...i dont know....anything is possible....

  27. Skydivers do this all the time, so it is not the drop from altitude that kills you.

    It is the last couple of inches, when you go from free-fall to a "dead" stop that do you in.

  28. It depends whether the aeroplane was at 40,000 feet, or 4,000 feet.

  29. if you hadn't taken off, very much doubt it.

  30. when we are falling at time we are died halfly and on hitting the ground we die fully

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