
Would you die for another if you knew you'd come back in 60 years, and NOT as who you were before?

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You'd start all over again, being born and growing up.




  1. yes i would

  2. If it was my own family I would do it in a heartbeat, for a total stranger - you'd have to explain to me the rules of this reincarnation game a little clearer first.

  3. What's the point? If I'm not who I was before, then it's not me coming back.

    Unless you mean by appearance only.

    If so, then yes.  

  4. If you come back as someone else, it's equivalent to saying "some completely unrelated person arrives".

    The entire question is irrelevant unless I come back with my memories intact.

  5. I would die trying to protect any child's life and I do not believe in reincarnation. I do not think I would even hesitate.

    With an exception to an alligator pit. When we go to the zoo, we make sure not to go to see the alligators b/c if an accident happens with my nephews, I am not jumping in. No way no how.

    I saw it happen to someone on "Faces of Death " in high school. Fck that.

  6. No I wouldn't die for another.  If I die, I want to stay dead.  And what if you start all over and grow up in a messed up family with alcoholic, drug dealing, mobster parents that abused you? That would suck more than how I am right now.   Also what am I supposed to do in 60 years?  Then again, I could grow up in a really wealthy family with a big @ss house.  That would be alright I guess.

  7. I'd die for someone anyway, its a heroic type thing to do, no matter if you come back 60 years later, but thatd be an extra bonuis I guess and by as a different person you mean different appearance and different personality alll together but I'd be like a whole nother person, thatd be cool but I dont know I'd like to accomplish my goals in life in this person for the moment =]  

  8. Die for who?  And just what does dying for someone do for them?  And maybe I (or you) already did.  It is difficult to assess the merits of such a choice, how can we ever know?  And the most difficult question, what does this have to do with chemistry?

  9. I would like to think that I would give my life to save someone given the chance. However it is hard to determine how I would act in such a situation.  I would like to do so regardless of if I get to come back or not.  

  10. My gerbil died for your sins

  11. h**l yeah, maybe next time i could grow up in a wealthy family!!!!



  12. I would die for another whether I came back or not.

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