
Would you die if you take an overdose on exdrin PM?

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Would you die if you take an overdose on exdrin PM?




  1. I will pray that Jesus will send you angels to help you.  Please don't take PM pills to try to kill yourself.

  2. Excedrin is version of ASA (aspirin)

    Yes, you can overdose and die on can cause kidney failure, bleeding from your stomach, and causes pH changes in your blood.

  3. i would assume

  4. Are you trying to harm yourself? Overdosing on Exedrine PM is not the way to go. You could face liver and kidney failure. Best thing is that if you are thinking about harming yourself, is to reach out to a friend or family member that will understand and will help you get the help that you need. Also if that is not an option there are crisis hotlines, and if all else fails, go to the ER for immediate intervention.

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