
Would you do this? Question for moms and dads.?

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My husband went out to have a 'few' drinks on Friday night. By few, I mean 9 beers from 7pm to 10pm. Came home at 230 in the morning claiming he was sober but his breath smelled like booze.

I was to go out in the morning by myself. I had to take my 4 month old boy because I didn't feel right leaving him at home with his father. My husband says I should have left the baby with him so I wouldn't have to ***** about my lost 'day off'.

Would you, in your right mind, leave an infant with someone who had been out drinking the night before?




  1. NOPE!!!  

  2. No, I wouldn't have left the baby at home either. He was probably hung over, tired, and grouchy which is no condition to care for a baby. You did the right thing by taking your son with you even though you didn't plan on it. Next time yo have a day out scheduled without the baby you should remind your husband that he needs to take it easy the night before so he's well rested for dad duty.

  3. hmm. well, my husband likes to go out with the guys and drink but after sleeping it off he is fully capable of watching our kids alone. If he stopped drinking at 10 then by the time he got home at 2:30 he was probably not drunk anymore but buzzed and by morning he should of been fine. Just tired. I think you were probably pissed off that he was drinking and came home so late. I mean of course his breath smelt like beer, he drank beer and I'm sure didn't have a chance to brush. But it's your baby and you did what you felt you had to do. Just don't give your husband a hard time about it because it was your choice to take the baby with you instead of leaving him home. Every man has the right to go out and drink with his buddies and have a good night. My husband has done this and I never have felt weird about going out in the morning while leaving the kids with him. He isn't drunk in the morning. This is my opinion and I have had plenty of experience with this. My husband works hard and likes to take a break with the guys and drink. He's always fine in the morning.  

  4. definitely not. it sound like he doesnt have good responsibilities.  

  5. My friend has had this same exact problem and she has 3 of them. Manage the hassle that can be. I watch her life with her kids and her bf/husband and I would never have a man in my life like that. If my husband was to disrespect me like that you better bet him and i would no longer be together.

    Im sorry Im with you. I would never leave my son/daughter home with anyone who is drunk and in their right mind wouldn't be able to take care of a child being as drunk as some men will get.

    Hope this helped!!!

  6. I think you did the right thing.

    I would absolutely never leave an infant with someone who had been out drinking the night before.  They could still be drunk in the morning.

  7. Nope!  I know what I have been like after a big night out - I am barely capable of looking after myself, let alone a 4 month old.  

  8. depends on the person, how drunk you get depends on body size, how well you can take alcohol, when you stop drinking etc

    some people totaly are ruined the day after, others get up and are just fine

    i am one of those who can count on one hand the time i got sick from drinking, and only one of those times did i have any effects the day after, which was total loss of apetite (other then that i was perfectly fine, no headache or anything)

    it also depend how much sleep a person need, A or B person, personaly i can do fine on little sleep, while i know people who need their whole nigth through and through or they just aint human the day after

    thats not to say i dont like sleeping in, but i like that regardless

    i'm the type that could do on 3-4 hour sleep before an exam just to get as much study time down as posible

    you surely know this man since you married him and had his kid, so you would know what he was or wasnt capable off. Hence your judgement in all likelyhood was corect.

  9. Definately not.

    You did the right thing in taking you son with you.

  10. You said he stopped drinking at 10pm, which wasn't drinking all night.

    He was only out late.

    I would have woke him up, nice and early, to shower, and freshen up, have his coffee.  Gone one my day as planned.  I would have made sure he was able to take care of the baby before I left, but I certainly would just not let him off the hook of being responsible for the baby.  

    If he didn't like getting up so early, maybe he would think twice before staying out so late, next time.

  11. You did the right thing.  

    It is unfortunate that men (or husbands) can be so inconsiderate about your time.  

    Most responsible adults would not leave an infant in the care of someone who is passed out drunk and will not be in the best condition and clear state of mind respond to someone else, especially a crying 4 month old.  


  13. No way!  You did that right thing.  He was not in the right state of mind to be taking care of a baby.

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