
Would you do this.......

by  |  earlier

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1. would you let go of some one you truly love because you think they will be happeir with out you??

2. would you let them go because you know that you are a bother to them even do you love each other??

3. would you miss them even thou you dont know if they are??

4. would you be happy knowing that the one you love is happy??

5. would you think of them even if you dont know if they are??

please answer them in the order of the numbers and can you please not answer "yes" or "no"




  1. 1 Yes, it would be the adult thing to do.

    2-5.  If you leave him let him go, emotionally as well as physically.  Find a new love and move on.  Don't waste energy on the past.

  2. 1. if i truly loved them i would.

    2.if i really loved them.

    3.yes i would.


    5.yes all them time

    im sure your not the only guy that feels this way.

  3. 1. If they felt that way i'm sure they wouldn't be with me any longer. So i would not.

    2. If i knew for sure i was a bother, i think they would have talked to me about it and if i didn't get any better then they would dump me but i would never let go of someone i truly loved because if you truly loved them then it would all work out in the end

    3. If i was in love with someone, whenever they weren't around, i would miss them like crazy. wherever they are..

    4. I would be just as happy as they are. Because if you love someone, then it doesn't matter what they do, as long a there happy, your happy.

    5. If i truly loved someone, like i said, i would always think of them and their happiness.  

  4. 1. If it's not meant to be then it's not meant to be. I can't MAKE someone love me, and seeing someone I love happy is great too. I can move on and am a step closer to the love of my life!

    2. If we love each other; I would try to fix things, talk to him and do everything I can to change.

    3. Yes, but also feeling pathetic and not really telling anyone. I'm good at hiding my feelings >_<

    4 Sure I would be upset that he's not really mine anymore, but I can move on and we can be friends, and seeing them happy will make me happy too!

    5. I will try not too, but perhaps!

    Hope this helps :]

  5. sounds like someone needs to respect  themselves more ....otherwise they wouldn't be "sacrificing "  themselves so much for the " good " of someone else.  

  6. 1. would you let go of some one you truly love because you think they will be happeir with out you??

    yes i would it would hurt me but as long as he's happy.

    2. would you let them go because you know that you are a bother to them even do you love each other??

    yes there's no point if im just annoying him

    3. would you miss them even thou you dont know if they are??

    yes i would miss him

    4. would you be happy knowing that the one you love is happy??

    i wouldnt be heartbroken

    5. would you think of them even if you dont know if they are??

    yes i would think of him 24/7

  7. 1. yes only bc if i really love them i would only bc i care about them and want the best for them.

    2. yes if im more of a bother than it is worth

    3. yes

    4. yes but i would still be a little sad

    5. always  

  8. to love someone is to do what is best for them,no matter what. But first you must have good knowledge of what is truly best for them.

  9. 1. if i knew he would be happier wit out me then yes i would

    2.i would because i love him and i wouldnt want him to feel bad for me

    3. i do it all the tme

    4. yess because i love him amd i want him to be happy(if ppl trully love some1 they will do this)

    5. i do this all the time

    sad story but true

  10. 1.  Unless they say they will be happier without you, then no.  

    2.  No, this sounds like some self esteem issues here.

    3.  Yes I have done this.

    4.  Yes of course.

    5.  Yes I have done this too.

  11. It sounds like this person has self esteem issues like they aren't good enough that someone may actually like them more than they think. Don't ever sell yourself short! Do the things that you love and that comes naturally. The other person needs to love you for who you are or they can move on!

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