
Would you donate to charity if someone asked you to on yahoo answers???

by Guest56301  |  earlier

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i am thinking of doing a cycle ride next year for charity but im not sure if i will get the minimum sponsership as it is well into the thousands.i was thinking of asking people here for donations to the charity (which is an autism charity) which i am doing the cycle for. would you donate if you where asked here or would you not feel comfortable donating here?




  1. People would be reluctant to donate to someone they do not know (or can at least prove wont take the money for themselves)

  2. it depends

  3. Although I do give lots of charity, I'd never donate to someone on Yahoo answers.. There are many sick people out there, (no offense) and I'd rather just be careful.

  4. yes. Thats what jesus would do.

    Only jesus . ANd me! =]

  5. Most likely no. To help, set up a paypal account with the charity in a partnership bank account. People will trust you and you may get some donations.

  6. I only have a quarter, you're welcome to have it.

  7. If you showed me some proof of your riding in this, I might. I don't have the money to donate to charity, but if I did I would (making just above min wage)

    I would love to donate to an Autism charity!

    Just make sure you clearly state they are donating to the CHARITY and not yourself.

  8. i would feel more comfortable knowing more information about it.

  9. I wouldn't feel comfortable

  10. maybe ...

  11. i would not directly donate to a person, but if a charity was in need and I could donate directly to the charity itself yes I would.

  12. I think that would go against the Yahoo guidelines and terms of service to ask people to donate money. How would people know, that the money was really going to a charity.   Yahoo Answers is a question and answer site, not a site to gain money for charities.

  13. I porbably would not feel comfortable donating to a stranger over yahoo.  I donate a lot through CFC every year.  Perhaps you could approach local businesses and ask them if they would agree to sponsor you? By all means try te on line solicittion also though. Some people are more trusting than me.

  14. no, sorry.

  15. can you not advertise your fund raising in the local paper get them to do an interview with you maybe or local shops etc i don't think i would be comfortable doing it here but would probably do it in the other ways suggested

  16. No.

  17. I only subscribe to cancer charities.

  18. I already donate to charities, I pay taxes. I support Schip, Section 8, Food stamps, and Medicaid.

  19. I doubt it, hard to trust people like that.

    Ask around your town instead.

  20. im sorry but this isnt really a secure enough place to be donating on. does the charity perhaps have a website you can donate to? Im doing race for life in june and they have a website for each racer that people can donate to.

  21. I would donate time aka s*x. s*x is good for making life. Money is booooooooooooooooring.

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