
Would you donate towards troubled families?

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Would you donate towards troubled families?




  1. Yes i would especially if there are children involved have donated even to homeless people. One would think they just didn't want to work or something to that effect but it's really not the case. Many of them had jobs in corporate offices, factories, and more. When the jobs end so does your livelihood. The money you bank just doesn't go to far anymore and before you know it foreclosure on home, no food, no car, and broke with nowhere but the streets to roam hoping for help.

  2. of course....i already do....though typically not with money, but free labor and materials....I am currently repairing a house in the gulf coast.

  3. It depends on the trouble, and how they landed there.

    If they went bankrupt living above their means and "keeping up with the Jones", h**l no. Let 'em all learn from their stupidity.

    But if they lost everything in a fire or tornado or a disease..etc, I'd give every penny I could...and then work when needed to.

  4. yes why not. Maybe what ever u donate might solve the problem they are having. right?

    remember what goes around comes around, so if u give u will get.

    god bless u

  5. I donate my time.  Habitat for Humanity and Big Brothers & Big Sisters.  I think counseling for troubled families is key not necessarily money.  The time and effort we can all put in to helping each other out is far more successfull than money alone.

  6. I already donate to troubled families with my taxes.

  7. Yes, and a terrific place to do it is!

  8. This Depends on your definition of "troubled Families" if by troubled you mean, The parents are on hand outs and they spend that money on alcohol, drugs, cigarettes and not their family causing the kids to steal and rob. No they deserve nothing.

    If by troubled you mean the parents do any job going and save for a better life denying the kids designer stuff, computer games etc to survive. Yes they deserve all he help they can get

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