
Would you donate your old cell phones to help endangered lowland Gorillas?

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  1. When a gorilla can use a cell phone they can call some one who cares I guess but what does one have to do with the other? We have spend billions in Africa with no results either regarding aids or conservation or animal protections. Poaches seem to be the problem how about the countries hire more rangers to protect them or make sure there are no roads leading to their habitat?  African leaders have just stolen most of the money we send there and quite frankly I think we should all stop sending money there forever.

    Just so you know I have had a cell phone for 11 years and have owned exactly 4 in that time period becaue either lost or stopped working all together. speak to the people who buy the newest latest one every 6 months or so.

    by Going Crazy that is incuclusive but perhaps we should er on the side of caution? LOL I am still laughing at that one. OMG that is funny.

  2. Why do Gorillas need to make phone calls?

  3. why would gorillas need cellphones, this does not make any sense!

  4. Are you talking about animals or rebels?

    Old cell phone can be donated and are needed by your local shelter for battered women

  5. As evil as people think that Wal-Mart is (I don't), they do a lot of good with used cell phones. The Wal-Marts in my area donate used cell phones the local battered women's shelter. I've taken all my old cell phones there. There are a lot of charities out there that can find plenty of good uses for old cell phones.

  6. I thought they skype.

  7. oh.yeah.....

    i would.


  8. What the gorilla said:

    Hello operator. This is Mike. Get me the park rangers please i think we have poachers approching my position.

    What the operator heard:

    Ohoh Ah Hoooot Ugh Brah Oot Oot Whop

  9. yea sure

  10. If I HAD an old cell phone, I would consider it.  However, I just recently got my first cell phone.

    Although, I am more likely, when I no longer need or want something, to just GIVE it to an INDIVIDUAL who can use it.

    Considering how much these darn things cost, that is most probably what I would do.

  11. Who r the gorillaz gonna call

  12. This is a good idea, I think.  Thanks for the tip -- I will check it out.  I would donate IF I were sure that the cell phones were actually going to the cause of the lowland gorillas and not being resold to Asian markets to be broken down.  

    Sometimes the first recipient seems like a good idea, but then the donation is resold and ends up just where you didn't want it after all.  

    Until now, we have been donating our old phones to the local WEAVE chapter.

  13. Cell phones are the tip of the iceberg - anything with a circuit board (computers, phones, printers, faxes, dvd players, and other gadgets and more) are doing the same thing - not to mention old TVs, which are being recycled once (sold in Thailand for a discount) and then the same thing happens.  This provides a closet industry to desperate people who are trying to eat.  They melt the boards for the gold and platinum, then toss the rest, destroying more than just lowland gorillas. (not to diminish their plight).

    I had donated my old cell phones to the military to keep them in touch with their families.  Next time, I have to do research as to what best to do - but that's a year from now at least.  I'm not convinced that the cell phones alone would keep them from being destroyed - but I AM convinced that we need to do more, as always.

  14. no, cell phones will give the gorillas brain cancer

  15. Gorillaz use cell phones? You learn something new every day.

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