
Would you drink Mars Water ?

by  |  earlier

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water on mars found to taste better then earth water.




  1. depemds who passed it! all water throuought the universe should be the same, however beware of what lives in it, could it be worse than ours?  

  2. how do u know its from its from mars.Do u know anyone that went there and told u about it..

  3. not if you saturn it

  4. prove it came from mars

    i don't know exactly how many million miles it is but the cost for shipping must be ENOURMOUSLY EXPENSIVE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...

  5. I would filter it about a million times ,let my buddy try it and then I guess I would

  6. Ok we would bring the first batch over to your house,what's your address dude?

  7. water doesn't have a taste. i only drink tap water, bottled water is for stupid and naive consumers. can you imagine when perrier said "i'm gonna get rich selling bottled water to americans?"

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