
Would you drink red wine with a tuna sandwich?

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Would you drink red wine with a tuna sandwich?




  1. Only if it comes from a box.  I'm classy like that.

  2. ick. nope

  3. no, I like cheese and crackers with red wine! smooch! Love ya, I'm the only real Holly Kickstand BTW!  

  4. I love red wine! I don't think I have ever had an urge to drink red wine with a sandwich, but I will drink what I want, when I want, and with whatever I am having. I have nothing to prove to wine snobs.  

  5. Yes, why not.There is some young red wine that you can Beaujolaise is sooooo  good with everything.

  6. *grabs a beer*   Nope...slurp!

  7. technically its fish, so usually wine snobs would say white, however its a "red meat" which is usually paired by red wine too

    Those "rules" kinda got thrown out by the mainstream these days, its basically what you prefer to drink with whatever.  Personally i would prefer a beer with almost any sandwitch.

  8. I prefer a nice dry white with fish thanks.

  9. Wow, Your cute, Ya if that's all I had....

  10. so, this question is going to enrich users of yahoo answers how?

  11. Eating fresh tuna is like eating a beef fillet steak. It is the same colour and if you just quickly sear it on both sides it's like eating steak, so yes, a good bottle of red wine would be excellent. A good bottle of Ribero Del Duero will be excellent with anything.

  12. No and no. But I would drink gin with a grilled cheese.  

  13. nope, but pizza and beer sounds really good right now :)

  14. gimme the wine but no tuna for me

    how about some chocolate holla

  15. if i needed to puke.

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