
Would you drink the flavor aid ? i would?

by Guest65102  |  earlier

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Jonestown 1978, Jim Jones, over 900 people die after they followed self believed profit to south America to his compound and followed his every word I’m very naïve I know i would have drunk the (kool-aid) Flavor aid do to me wanting to be a part of something big how about you if you were there would you have drunk it




  1. A friend of mine did die at Jonestown. She was a kind, strong, intelligent woman who wanted to do only good in the world, which tells me that she was either forced (as many people believe) to kill herself or she was under the influence of extremely powerful brainwashing. This wasn't being part of something big--it was a murderous nightmare.

    This is no laughing matter. People should never dismiss cults lightly. You may want to read the books and see the films made about Jonestown and learn a bit more.

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