
Would you drive a stupid looking car if you never had to pay for fuel?

by Guest60779  |  earlier

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This car would NOT have A\C, heater, radio, power windows, navigation...ect. It would only have the essentials. The range would be between 60-120 miles \ day.




  1. Without some heat to at least provide windshield defogging, it cannot go on the road. But it does not need to have enough heat to make you warn.

    Actually, I drove the car you describe, when the heater core was plugged. Om 1988 Dodge Aires, which I still drive, looks totally dorky, has no A/C, no power windows, no navigation and I am quite fine with no radio.

    Yes, I eventually fixed the heater, because even here in LA you get mist and fog on the windshield at times. But when the heater was broken, I just put a blanket on my lap and I was fine in the LA winter.

  2. Yes. One condition. The paint would have to be fluorescent orange.

  3. I would probably drive this car since I wouldn't have to pay for fuel. Gas prices have gone up and since oil is non-renewable and takes hundreds of years in the ground to become oil, this would be a great alternative although I like to listen to music when I drive :(  

  4. yeah i would put all that stuff in it

  5. Ah! I dream of owning such a car. I would definitely drive one!

  6. Yes but I live in Las Vegas. So ac is kind of important here. Of course the one in my truck has been broke for 3 years. Still like the ac though.

  7. yes! a car just gets you to where you wanna go. i would give anything to not have to pay for fuel, as the prices have gone up and you'd have to keep filling up its useless. i think your lucky :)

  8. Probably, if it was affordable to buy and I could accomplish the daily errands I need to accomplish.

    I'd definitely consider that car they are supposed to be making here soon out in California that gets like 300 mpg if they ever sell it here in Indiana.  Although I would like to see it deemed a car and not in the class of motorcycle so it could be driven during the winter.

  9. Well here in ND I can live without A/C but it get really cold here like -40 so a heater is a MUST. A radio doesn't draw much power, so give me a heater and a radio and I'll be happy. But with the range you state you must be talking electric and at -40 if you get half that range you'd be lucky.

  10. In a heartbeat!!!!

  11. no heater just blew it for me...  Sorry 2 feet of snow and I can't have a defroster?  It's just not usable.

    other than that-why the range?  Do I have to plug it in at night?  ('cause electricity is spendy)

    And no looks aren't of primary importance.  

  12. add a/c and I would consider it.  The south is no place to be in the summer without an a/c

  13. Yeah, since you're not buying fuel, you can save the money you would use for gas and renew the car :p

  14. yes yes yes yes.

    i am doing it. i own a GEM E2 electric vehicle. costs me 2 cents per mile to run instead of 20 cents per mile. priced under anything with an internal combustion engine.

    yes yes yes.

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