
Would you drop your asking price or go for the cash?

by  |  earlier

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This is in reference to the multiple players the Pens have up for free agency July 1st. Everyone keeps saying Marian Hossa will go for the big bucks, but he's been quoted as saying "I'd rather take less and play on a good team," referencing the Pens. Sidney Crosby resigned his contract last July for less money to help keep the team together. My question is, if it were you, would you rather take less money but stay on a quality, playoff proven team, or take a higher paycheck from a team that hasn't been near the playoffs in years?




  1. Ask Teemu Selanne...........he took a slightly lower than market price for his talents and he told San Jose's Dan Rusanowsky that several players on other teams 'reminded' him about it as they were hitting him.

    As for Crosby, he didn't take 'less' money.  The Cap was 45MM when he signed his extention, he signed for $8.7 instead of the $9 he was allowed.  It had more to do with the significance of the 87 rather than the salary.  $0.3MM isn't taking 'less' in my opinion

  2. If I was in a comfortable city, with a great bunch of guys, I would not be greedy I would give up some on my paycheck if I'm on a proven team. Not to mention playing the game i love.

  3. NHL players don't have very long careers so you can neither blame them, or be surprised when they go for the big bucks.  Every player has one real chance to play the market (would you pay Drury the same amount after this season as you would have after last?) this is Hossa's shot.  He'll take it.

  4. I would take less money. Everyone knows these players have a lot of money, they don't need more and what they do have I bet they don't know what to do with most of it! If you play the game because you love it, more money won't be tempting to you.

  5. id take less and play for the cup. once i won the cup, then its off to make the big bucks

  6. In a public forum everybody is going to look like a hero and play to win. In reality not a lot of them will bypass the extra millions. If the extra $millions just happens to come from a highly competitive team, SEE-YA.

  7. If he is valued at 7mil and takes 5.5mil the NHLPA will come down on him hard. If he does that, he just lowered the value of every player that is in his *class*...... When they speak of a discount, they are talking more like 6.5mil or 6.3mil......Thats not as much of a discount as you think.

    Also- Factor in that SOME TEAM may offer up to 8mil for him and if he turns that down and signs for 2mil less in PITT.... he will not be a very popular player with other players and the NHLPA! Thats exactly why if he is going to stay, they will have a deal signed before other teams have the chance to bid on him. Also, take into account this.....Is Hossa going to come out and say "I would rather make money that play in PITT?" ..... what a player says to the media is also a said to remain neutral in the whole process.  No player is going to tip their hat in the direction they might be going. Maybe he said that to make teams UP THEIR BID when the Free Agency started. How do we know?

  8. I can live a normal life with about 2 million every year,Hossa is just an overpriced troll,he doesn't do much without the help of a superstar.

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