
Would you dump your boyfriend/girlfriend if they were always hurting your feelings?

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Would you dump your boyfriend/girlfriend if they were always hurting your feelings?




  1. YES!!! There would be no use in me being in a relationship where I am not happy.  Also, if this were the case, there would be someone else out there who would be considerate of my feelings.  It just wouldn't be worth the effort to stay in the relationship...

  2. My first husband was very skilled at that, until I realized, he was the Zero, not me. But I was, definitely the enabler, for a while.  When I finally came to understand that, I quit taking his c**p.  It only hurt me because I had let it.  He had a cold heart.  He was all about hurting peoples feelings.  It made him feel bigger, when he was really nothing more than a mental midget.  I left him.

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