
Would you eat a pizza if the pizza dough person didn't wash her hands?

by  |  earlier

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I ordered a pizza from one of the big pizza chain places, and a young girl was taking orders,i.e., "handling cash" from customers, including this one guy who took raggedy crumbled up bills from his dirty blue jeans. After I paid, I was shocked to see her go straight to the dough balls and start pounding a few pizzas into shape? I asked for a refund immediately...Would you care?




  1. Interesting considering the heat that pizzas are baked in probably not.  people handle all sorts of things like keyboards, phones, money that many many people have also touched then put their hands on their face rub their eyes.  I would draw the line at using the bathroom and not washing hands because that is more nasty.  The human body is desiesnged to handle many infiltrators.  I know this seems gross but it is impossible to stay completely clean all the time.  Just imagine how many people have touched DVDs you have rented and do you wash your hands after handling them?

  2. It has always intrigued me how people will use a restroom at a public eatery to wash their hands then grab the door handle to leave and go back to their table and use salt and pepper shakers or ketchup ,ect and not think anything of it.Some men even wash their hands after peeing.Did they pee on thier hands?

  3. Heck yeah I would care - that is really gross!

  4. no, a lot of chain places do that.

  5. Yes I would care. That thing's going into my body. I wouldn't count on the heat to kill all the germs. I have to admit if I were dying of starvation, I'd definitely gobble it down.

  6. Ewwww!  Dude you did the right thing!  That is so foul!  Money is dirty.  People do all types of things with money that I don't even want to begin to think about.  As far as her hands?  She's so gross!  Health Department needs to come in there and conduct an inspection.  ( o _ 0 ) Yuck!

  7. Heck no. That is soo gross!!!and you should report her. Would you eat it if she went to the bathroom or picked her nose and then touched it? No!!!why would you even think about that?

  8. of course not. you never know how dirty her hands are

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