
Would you eat at a restaurant with a n**i theme?

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Do old symbols lose their power to shock in the way they once did place? (bit of a sub-question this one: how much forgiveness is too much forgiveness?)




  1. Yes i would definetly eat !

  2. People are forgetting the meaning of that symbol, before Hitler and his mates got there hands on it, It was a symbol of peace, as it is now people only see it as an abomination, and a h**l born symbol, but it used to stand for peace and love. I think they should turn it back into a symbol of peace by turning it on it's side, like a square not a diamond shape. Problem solved.

  3. That restaurant would lose money big time.

  4. sure i would

  5. NO

  6. I would NEVER go for tons of reasons.  Mainly, I would feel like I was making fun of such an awful time in world history and belittling millions of innocent people who were tortured and killed.  We can't forgive or condone, most importantly, we can't forget, personally and globally.  If we forget, history could always repeat itself in the future.  As to old symbols losing their power to induce fear or shock, I think it depends of the knowledge of the one seeing them.  The more you know the connotations, the more chilling.

  7. They are not promoting Hitler. But they want to tell people they are different in the way the Hitler was different.

  8. I dont think I'd actually dine there but I'd go in to check it out just out of curiousity...Cant hurt to see what its about anyway...

  9. Absolutely Yes!

    I am well aware of the whole contoversy and felt that the owner was trying to be funny by keeping such a name. In fact it mite well be his plan to get free publicity to help increase the initial rush.

    Till the time it is not owned by people sponsoring the activities of n**i's I have no issues with it.

  10. Absolutely not.

  11. no way thats disrespectful

  12. as long it's run by the chavs

  13. Definitely not, nor in any other place that back such narrow minded ideas.

  14. I certainly would not. It's sickening.

  15. no!

    I don't think the holocaust can be forgiven... just like slavery it's too big.  I don't feel modern Germans or Whites should be held accountable for their fore-fathers mistakes but should be aware and respectful of them,

  16. What do the restaurant with n**i theme:

    Are they do not allow Yahoodi to enter the restaurant or the staff of resta.... behave with him like Hitler.

    It is disgusting. What does it matter if the restaurant name is Hitlar. In my opinion for attaracting people the owner of restaurant choose the name like Hitlar which is unique and famous.

    Forgot Past and live in presence and enjoy life.  Our motto should be peace not voilance.

    Thats all, Cheers

  17. Um, no- Its repulsive and wrong.

  18. never

  19. I once ate at a Chinese- German restaurant,' great food, but 2 hours later I was hungry for power!

  20. I feel a bit shocked reading your question that there is a restaurant with a n**i theme.

    Personally I would not eat there.

    I agree that forgiveness is very important - but for many people, the n**i icon is still a symbol of genocide.

    Your question is very thought provoking.

  21. I heard that there are people who would, if Bush were on the menue.

  22. Not really.

  23. yeah I would.  Its a restaurant that serves food, not war propaganda.  

    Its a themed restaurant just like TGI Fridays and Red Robins, Photos and junk on the walls.

  24. h**l no!!!!!

  25. No,they probably burn all the food.

  26. only if the food is good.

    the swasthik is not the exclusive propoerty of the n**i' was miused by hitler.also they have renamed the restaurant and removed the the "n**i symbol".

  27. Not if they paid me to.

  28. why not? As long as i know  the restaurant does not glorify the horrors n**i Germany caused the world.

  29. h**l no and no else should patronize such a nasty place.

  30. i dont like to dine out at n**i places

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