
Would you eat in a restaurant if the owner keeps cockroaches as pets?

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Would you eat in a restaurant if the owner keeps cockroaches as pets?




  1. h**l No!!

  2. just the thought of roaches make me puke... clean or not.

  3. eww...y should i?? that's relii gross

  4. No way...

  5. only if they serve exotic foods such as cooked cockroaches... and if, someone will pay for it... jejeje...

  6. You got me staring ..

    of coz not.

    Would you eat at  a restaurant that keeps pests as pets?

    Well well well.. NO!  

  7. It depends. Do note that not all roaches are dirty. If the roaches are being taken care of in a controlled environment, why the h**l not? :D Also, I'm pretty sure that if ever the owner keeps roaches, he won't have any reason of bringing them to the restaurant.

  8. ...yes as long as he doesn't bring his pets to work.  pets stay at home.

  9. yes, i would if that is just an ordinary restaurant, and the food served are well covered as compared to those with no cockroaches but have their foods exposed to the elements. But when it is in a classy restaurant, i dare to leave my food consumption unfinished and unpaid.

  10. deifinitely,yes! served or not.

    if served, as long as they're well bred,hehe

    exotic foods are yummy!

  11. no thats disgusting!

  12. It depends on the type of cockroach they have! :)

    Seriously, it is possible to have a pet cockroach, but that which is the Madagascan Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa). The specie originates from Madagascar and it is big, wingless, odorless, clean and moves slowly.

    If a restaurant has this as a pet, i'll definitely dine in. Other than this variety, i'll definitely call the local sanitary officer!

  13. I'll eat as long the owner's keep his/her cockroaches pets away from the restaurant... and if the owner maintain the cleanliness and quality control of his/her restaurant  

  14. I really don't like roaches..So I'm gonna say no..

  15. h**l NO.

    i bet the foods they serve are infested.

    i think the answer to this question is obvious though..

  16. it's weird...I don't think so...

  17. No way !!.

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