
Would you eat off of these dishes???

by  |  earlier

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My husband's family wash their dishes in pure cold water (they don't even have hot water running to the kitchen sink) and use the same sponge to wash them for months at a time. The sponge alone is so nasty looking I wouldn't even want to touch it. The frying pans they use to cook the food in are caked with old grease. It disgusts me and I always tell them I'm not hungry when we're at their house because I picture all the bacteria that must be on their dishes in my head and it freaks me out. Am I being too weird or do you think that's just so unsanitary also?




  1. I wouldn't. I have a relative who uses the same old nasty rag for everything. At least sponges have a germ killing substance in them but months later I wonder if it's still active.

    And you know if you say something they'll think you're stuck up and hate you forever.

    When they switch to paper plates maybe.

  2. no your just watching out for your own health like nyone else..

    no offence to anyone but that is nasty..i would be just like yooh..i would starve myself then ge poisened or really ill.  i personally agree with yooh and i think your handling the situation very well by not making a big scene out of it but still looking out for yourself. yooh just shouldnt have to starve yourself over them not washing properly.

    i agree with yooh 100%!!

  3. That is disgusting. Maybe give them hints about a dishwasher?

  4. That is nasty.  I change out my kitchen sponges about every two weeks---or sooner if they look yuckie.  My ex's parents did the same thing.  They had asked me about a year ago to pick up some dish soap when I went to town.  When I was at the store I got them a scrubbie sponge & bottle brush.  More than a year later they are still using the same ones.  YUCKIE!!!  I always did the "I just ate sorry I'm not hungry but thank you" & when they would send something over I would give it to the dogs.  I don't know why people are that way.  Drove me nutz...

  5. I think that is GROSS! what type of dish soap do they use? I would not eat off of those dishes unless MAYBE they use the dish soap that has bleach or is antibacterial??

  6. Well, hot water does not get the dishes any cleaner than cold as it is the use of dish detergent that gets them clean along with the scrubbing action. I use the same Dobie Sponge for a couple months but I also toss it into the dishwasher when I use that every day. As for the greasy food encrusted dishes well, that is just nasty. i wouldn't eat there either. Sounds like my moms house...eeeewwwww. Maybe we are related? lol

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