
Would you eat rose veal?

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I was just reading an article saying we should eat more British (rose) veal as it is farmed humanely and saves the calves from slaughter or transportation to the continent where they will be much worse treated to create white veal. Have you ever and would you?




  1. It is something I haven't really considered, mostly because of the bad press it has had over many years, if it were proved to be farmed humanly I would treat it much the same as other meats, of which I have no probably eating.

  2. no, I wouldn't.

    as I'm vegetarian.

    I cannot see why more people don't do the best thing for the environment, our world-wide dwindling water supply & kinder to animals.

    Do the right thing, go veggie.

  3. I would eat it no problem, but I've never seen veal on sale in Britain.

  4. Yes I have and will continue to do so.

    If it flies in the air, swims in the sea or walks upon the earth then i have most likely eaten it, including monkey, worms and 'bush meat'.

  5. Yes I have .

  6. Nope, veal production is always cruel...whether it is rose, white or sky blue yellow...

  7. Nope Im veggie, but even if I wasn't I disagree with the principle (which is I suppose why I'm veggie - oh dear, I'm confused now...!)

  8. never had it but I wouldn't say no if someone asked me If i wanted some

    not that I'm a fat pig or anything I just don't see a problem with eating it

  9. you bet ye

  10. I have yes.

  11. I am a confirmed meat eater and I have eaten British Veal.  However, I wouldn't any more as I do suspect that it is not as "nice" as it claims to be, give the animal some life.  I also will never eat Frois Gras as I have once (without being savvy to the awful treatment of the Goose to create it).

    I love meat, but I cannot justify cruelty or unnecessary treatment of creatures that provide my food.  I am even considering forgoing Lamb for Mutton - but it is like rocking horse dung - especially in supermarkets.

  12. These calves are reared by their mothers and eventually taken to eat grass and then taken for slaughter when they would normally have been parted anyway. I eat steak, pork etc so i wouldn't have a problem with this, but i have never eaten white veal as those poor calves are raised in crates without their mother and almost force fed milk, and milk alone. They are then butchered in a manner i will not type on here - it's disgusting to me but some religions insist that this is how it must be done for their use - yeuch!

  13. i would if she was pretty

  14. You couldn't pay me enough money to eat any kind of meat...and that goes for fish too.

  15. We (british) still intensively farm, so no I wouldn't, I can't stand the thought of something suffering for me to get fat on.  Also even if you buy the meat with a nice little stamp on it with 'farm assured' and all that c**p written on it, you might be aware of a couple of exposes just lately where animals that were being sold as 'humane' 'free range' 'organic' 'fed on good food' and all the rest of the c**p that the money raking devils spout and it was found that the animals were packed into storage sheds wallowing in their own c**p shoulder to shoulder and without proper medical care amidst rotting corpses - so personally i'd be a vegan like I am.

    Cheers for now.

    Kez x

  16. Well I never have, so I doubt I'll start now ~ but I'm not against it, so if was cooked for me at a dinner party (ahem) then I'd give it a go.

  17. Does it really make a difference?  Either way the calf is being raised with the intention of being slaughtered for food.  Does it really matter if the journey is a short one to the local abattoir or if it gets to do a bit of sightseeing first?   Either way the calf is still  being separated from its mother and transported to its death in fear and panic with hundreds of other young calves.

    If you really care about the animals at all, or their treatment, then the answer is simple.  Stop eating them.   If there is less demand then fewer will be slaughtered or transported.  Having half a conscience is pointless.

  18. Hey, if I was hungry enough I guess I would eat anything!

    I have eaten veal, ages ago when it was available in the supermarket. I am sorry but I don't know what you mean by rose veal?

    I don't suppose it is much different to eating any other animal, young or otherwise.

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