
Would you eat vegetarian "chicken" at KFC?

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No kidding, all the KFC outlets in Canada will have the option of chicken-free "chicken"--that is, texturized soy--all fried up in the same batter for vegetarians. It's even supposed to be vegan-friendly if they don't s***w up and fry it in the same oil as the real chicken.

So, would you eat it? Do you think it will last? I'm allergic to chicken, eggs, and everything else that ever wore feathers, but I remember having fond memories of those big red and white striped buckets as a kid, before everyone knew about my allergies. I'd have to try this at least once.




  1. No i would not personally go out and buy vegetarian chicken from KFC.. because, as earlier mentioned, it's still supporting the cruel chicken industry..

    but saying as I'm a vegan living with a lovely omnivore family and surrounded by many great omni friends;  if I was ever out with them and HAD to eat there.. i'd probably try it out. But I'd still rather go home and cook my own dinners

    :) just my situation.

  2. I wouldn't give KFC a dime of my money if my life depended on it.

  3. wtf? No its still from KFC so whats the difference?

  4. NNNNOOOO!!!!!!!!

    KFC=Killing Friendly Chickens

    Definitely.............. NOT!!!!

    To buy it would mean to support KFC and why would anyone want to do that??!!??!!

    Come on, I DON'T CARE bring on those thumbs downs and I don't care if I don't get picked for best answer either I just cant lie that's the truth!! Whether you like it or NOT!!!!

  5. Why not? We should support this kind of initiatives, and transition process.

    Many fast food outlets (like McD, KFC, KR, etc) have undersigned mutual contracts with many meat industries, especially realizing the growing part of intellectual and vegetarian populations worldwide as they feel vegetarianism is a threat for them. If your info above is true, this is a great breakthrough for everyone, especially the innocent kids deluded by the advert "lies".

  6. i would never eat it

    KCF abuses chickens and never told anyone about it till someone found out about it...

    so id never contribute to a place that abuses chickens

    and also

    because they lied about something like that

    you really cant be certin that its veggie chicken

    it might be a cover up

  7. Never. I don't want to give money and support a company that tortures defenseless chickens who did nothing but help humans and provide meat and eggs.

  8. i might try it, but i think it wont be as tasty as the real thang

  9. No because it is still from KFC.

  10. Probably not since the funding still goes to KFC. But I wouldn't mind trying it one day. They don't have that in Aus any ways. I don't think it will last, not enough of a market to support it.

  11. Look, i'm not even vegetarian - but this stuff's probably gonna be more chicken than what they CALL 'chicken' itself!!

    it soundslike an alright idea though. a bit squeamish to those who prefer to eat meat, but seriously...when it comes to kfc, everyone really after the batter with the herbs and msg and stuff, so yeah that's probably fine.

  12. F*ck that place.

    They don't deserve anyone's dollar, no matter what game they decide to play.

    People need to learn how to cook for themselves, it's the only way to stick to a healthy diet.

    Vegetarians don't need another excuse to eat deep fried food.

  13. i might consider it.

  14. no, i am a vegetarian for animal rights. eating at kfc would mean supporting the torture of chickens

  15. Yeah , I'd be willing to try it,,. If it wasn't from KFC.  I was a veg.  for about two years  I'm used to " fake meat"  but I hate KFC.  Even though I'm not a veg. anymore, their co.  is terrible !

  16. no because everything KFC stands for is wrong. and as long as they're still killing chickens the way they do, i won't go near that place. they weren't fighting for the right to have vegetarian meals added to the menu, they were supposed to be fighting for the rights of the chickens being killed inhumanely.

  17. I maybe wold try it once with much persuasion from my mother probably!

  18. No I wouldn't.  KFC is an evil corporation and it won't see any of my hard-earned money if I can help it.

  19. Sure give it a try, I had and it was pretty good.  I recommend

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