
Would you emigrate and leave the UK, if you....?

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Would you emigrate and leave the UK if you could afford to.....and where would you go?




  1. i would actually love to live in austrailia its such a different culture yet still similar to our own..


  2. Australia if I had kids - its a wonderful place to bring up children.  The US, NZ or Canada would be cool too.

  3. i left the uk with my wife and kids 6 years ago and moved to cyprus, there is no political correctness here, here they look after there own first and outsiders second as it should be

  4. I am quite happy here but if I could afford to, I might like to move away for a while. I did languages at uni so as part of my degree I did an academic year in France. I absolutely loved it and could easily move there again. I wouldn't mind giving Canada a try, and I quite like the idea of Germany (although I can't speak German).

    Having lived in France, I realised I loved the UK quite a lot, which (odd as it sounds), I'd never realised before how much I like it. I've lived in a handful of different places. I love this country, but I could quite happily live elsewhere too, and I might like to try that if I had the opportunity.

  5. I've had the chance. My husband is Australian and we tried it out for a year....I couldn't bear it. Desert like heat....backward culture.....the fashions of yesteryear! Also, I missed my family too much...all the tales of how you get a "better quality of life" are exagerrated....yes the houses are bigger...but you're usually miles from a dont see people just walking down the street because everyone drives to the shopping centres.....there are loads of car accidents as boys of 16 are allowed to drive...and they're bored! The beaches are too hot to sit on....moan moan get the idea.

  6. I moved to Japan seven years ago. Crime and taxes are much lower but work is hard going.

  7. Probably France for me, but happy in good ol Blighty, well mostly.

  8. Britain is a nation of immigrants and all the better for it. So much of what is presumed to be 'proper' English or British comes from overseas. The royal family is mainly German (they were the Saxe-Coburg & Gotha family before changing the name to Windsor in 1917 because of the war) and the queen is married to a Greek (born Phillipos).

    Stephen Fry, that most English of Englishmen, the face of Twinings tea?  Descended from Eastern European Jews.

    I'm always amused by the people that rant about immigrants and can't wait to leave the country (to become immigrants). Do the Cypriots, Italians and French grouse as much about the foreigners who don't learn the language and become a burden on their schools & hospitals?

    Brits have the right to move to other countries in Europe and it's only fair that it's a reciprocal arrangement. I would like to try it once I have my British passport, maybe by teaching English in Spain or Italy for a few months. But England is where most of my friends are and even after living here 10 years I haven't seen everything I want to.

    I have a friend moving to Argentina soon and yes the sun may always shine in Australia, but once you're that far away you can't have a weekend in Venice or pop into the National Gallery for the latest art show!

  9. yes i would, anywhere has to be better than the uk the way the gvernment has ruined this country.

  10. yes, ideally somewhere with a better climate and stable government.  i do believe thats it for this country, our government have dissolved any proudness we had, ruined the economy, failed the health service, failed schools, and has tried for so long with their propoganda to tell us multiculturalism is a good thing.

    problem is, like most people, i will not leave yet as i would not leave my family, thats the one and only reason.

  11. Yes The Netherlands for my kids Education!!!

  12. Absolutely.  Its my ultimate dream to live on an organic farm in New Zealand.

  13. No. I'd stay here with my girlfriend.

  14. No, I like England. I like the NHS, I like the welfare system, and I like state education.

    I think everyone should be encouraged to care for others around them, regardless of their age/ gender/ ethnicity/ economic value.

  15. I could afford to but I don't want to ... when I was younger I moved to another country and wanted to stay there but it didn't work out (the country went bankrupt and I had to leave) ... I've travelled to a lot of different countries and thoroughly enjoyed seeing them but am glad to be back home ... yes there's lots of downsides here but the upsides more than balance them out and at the end of the day it's my country and I feel at home here

  16. No, I can afford to plus I have legal right of residence in Australia, New Zealand and obviously all EU countries, but I choose to live in the UK.

    It's a great country which offers fantastic opportunities for anyone who is prepared to get off their **** and work for them, plus it has fantastic culture.  Of course there's a downside - the weather is ****, it's far too crowded and the welfare system is ridiculous, but I really believe that the positives outweigh the negatives.

    I may possibly consider moving to New Zealand one day - it's a nice enough place; the only downside being that it's a bit quiet and boring.  I'd go when I'm old and wasn't worried about having any kind of nightlife.

    Australia is a vile country - the people are hideous, the weather is too hot, "culture" refers to cricket and beer, they have so little rain that they plan to recycle sewage to create drinking water in the near future (????) ... oh and the people are hideous.

    That only really leaves the EU then ... there are many nice parts to it, but I don't speak any languages other than English and I can't be arsed to learn.

  17. anywhere but the uk, if i could afford, it i would be on the first international  flight out of Heathrow

  18. Definately.... I'd move to tenerife.

  19. To France or Spain,both chilled laid back countries both on our doorstep.

  20. I am too old to move.No money anyway.

  21. i have...i now live and work in mallorca its great if you are willing to learn.

  22. Cyprus, the climate is fab, the people are fab and they speak english and drive on the same side.

  23. Yes i would, but im not telling its a secret. ANYWHERE has to be cheaper than the UK.

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