
Would you en-role your child...?

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in a programme which would be an every night thing to help them understand maths at a good level for them? It would encourage them to do better and help them at school




  1. No, I think you are better off teaching it to your child on a one to one basis yourself.  

    1)  It's free

    2)  The teacher (you) know the child better than anyone and when to stop and take a break or stop altogether and try science instead or something, anything constructive

    3)  No transporting them to the venue

    4)  Comfort of your own home

    5)  Get to know your child even more

  2. do they want to? How old is the kid? It all depends on those things. If they really don't want to, don't do it, they will only resent you.  

  3. If it is the Kuman scheme, my daughter loved it.  It gave her lots of confidence and helped her maths alot but it is not a quick fix scheme. You have to be committed for a couple of years at least to get any real benefit but the results last a lifetime!  It is no more than 10 minutes a night - its aimed at teaching the brain to work accurately and quickly.  They meet up with the tutor once a week where any problems are sorted out.  If your child wants to do it, and you can afford it I would definately give it a go!

  4. no no no no no no no no no !!!

    You will turn them off learning for life!!

    Not everyone is meant to be excellent at maths

    a balanced life is the best - its like you having to go back to work when you get home!!

  5. Yes, if you think it would help them become better math students

  6. I don't know that an every night thing would be a good thing, especially if the child doesn't like the subject to begin with..that would probably just make the child mad/upset and not want to do it that much more.You need to find unique ways of teaching the subject that would make it interesting and fun for him/her.

    my daughter DOES NOT want to learn how to add up coins- yet, she loves to spend them. I pay her an allowance in coins now and she will now sit with me to count out how much she made and how many different coins she will get. It is all fun for her now, she feels like she is in control when she is counting out her own money.

    Hope this helps

  7. No, I would not enrol my child in anything which involved them working in the evenings as well as the daytime.  It is too much pressure.  I work as a volunteer in schools to support children finding literacy and numeracy difficult.  Speak to your Head Teacher and see if they can be helped in this way.

  8. wow every night? after being in school all day? Burnout situation for students going to school. Maybe one evening if you find volunteers.You forgot to mention the age of the student? very important.

  9. No - is it Kumon? You're far better off making sure that your child KNOWS (not remembers) their number bonds and complete times tables (eg 8x9=72). Seriously, this is the best thing you could do and I speak as a dyscalculic and teacher.

  10. Yes I would.

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