
Would you encourage?

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your 11 year old daughter to aspire to become another Jordan/Katie Price glamour model . By buying her fake salon tanning sessions and expensive makeup .And then take her to America to enter her in the bizarre pageant Little Miss America?

As parents what are your views of this so called beauty contest . Where children don makeup and are encouraged to act like mini adults and Barbie dolls .




  1. I stopped reading at fake tanning sessions...

    It's just horrifying. I don't even want my kids to get a real tan for the fear of skin cancer..

    I know I'm focusing on the wrong thing here, but what kind of a person would let their 11 year old roast in a tanning bed?

  2. I would encourage her to do what ever she wanted to do but guide her.

    Being a model full of plastic to be perved over by lads is not what i would want for my daughter.

    And i wholy disagree with beauty pageants they are a phedo's dream.

  3. No. Its sick and its wrong

  4. I see nothing wrong in beauty contests, but make sure the child looks their age. In my opinion a natural looking 12/13 year old one of the most beautiful things I can name (yes I have one) and to try and make them look 16 is not a good look, they can look 16 when they get there. Agent Zero is correct parental guidance is the key.

  5. I think it's a terrible idea.... Kids need to be kids...nothing more...when they turn 18 they can do what they want like modeling......

  6. this country is the dregs wheres decency ban alcohol kick out drunks druggys then our country will have peace and recpect

  7. No  i would most definitily, not encourage any of my children to become a glamour or  super model .

  8. From what I saw it seems like a perverts dream, and why any parent would want to display their daughters like that is way beyond me. Those little girls even had padding to make it look as though they have b*****s. I bet I'm not the only male to feel really uncomfortable seeing this.

  9. That's just scary, I could never encourage a girl of any age, never mind one as young as that to do something like that.

  10. No it is sick!

    Child abuse if you ask me.

    Did you see the TV programme 'Painted Babies'?


    Link ............

  11. My 11yo has just gone to her 'leavers disco' at the local rugby club.

    I have fretted over her 'outfit' all week thinking it too old. Have just seen what the others are wearing...feckin h**l!!!

    I will admit mine has got black nail varnish on and a black 'bubble' dress. Which I think is pushing it but nothing is on show and the dress is only slightly above the knee( she chose RED patent leather gladiator sandals WITH TIGHTS to go with this!).

    Some of the girls have got false tan on and skirts up their @rse. So O.K mine is wearing some strange stuff but she isn't ..I can barely bring myself to say this..sexualised.

    She will come home stuffing her gob full of haribo anyway ;-)

    ARIANA-Yes I agree..a 'one off' party gaffe is hardly the same as this kind of abuse. And IT IS abuse. It's the use of their own children to live vicariously. Poor babies x

  12. I think that little girls should look like little girls.  In this crazy world I think it's dangerous to parade little girls around all made up like adult models.  There are too many freaks lurking around.  Grow up and look out for the safety of you child.

  13. Parading girls around like that at their age is not appropriate

  14. i wouldn't encourage an 11 year old to participate in these events, because it's just not healthy for the child. lets face it, how many encourage their daughters to small adults, because it's just not healthy. and lets be honest, some parents force their children to participate in these events, because secretly they wish they were the one in the pageant. i'm not saying all patents do this, but it's more than a few.

  15. I absolutely would not. Look at Jonbenet Ramsey. Its appalling.

  16. I think its a case of fame hungry parents, looking for an easly living off their kids.

    it is a bit warped, I say leave kids alone, and let them have a childhood, there is too much c**p on tv, and I think this is the main source for much of kids attidudes to life. Kids want to be all grown up way before their time, and they don't know what they're missing.

    I look at some of the young people that I have worked with over the years, and they think they are really mature, the little they know oozes out in their attitude to life.

    I feel myself heading towards a rant, so i'm gonna stop here.
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