
Would you enforce this?

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Does my son (15) need to wear a protective cup while he is catching? Is this something you would force your son to do, why or why not?




  1. Dude, cups can **** up. I played lacrosse goalie and I took a shot to the cup. It shattered. Worst pain in the world. But imagine if I hadn't been wearing it. I'd be a woman right now.

    Don't force him, that's kinda weird. He's not going to be comfortable playing ball. You could look up videos or something on the 'net and show him some nasty articles or something. A catcher isn't that vulnerable, and they have enough pads to block most things. But some ground balls do come in and could take out the jewels...

    Obviously you will hear horror stories from some people, but don't be afraid. Everyone gets hits in the nuts a little bit. A cup can just make him worse at the game by removing reaction time

  2. I think it should be up to him, I do not see how that could be embarrassing. Just wait until he gets hit in the nuts and he will change his mind. I know it will happen. It always does. Google videos of catchers getting hit in the nuts and make him watch. and say "See thats why you wear a cup!"

  3. yes he defiantly does. why refuse to wear one. If he gets hit there. there is a very strong chance that you willnot have grandchildren from him...

    a friend of mine was a catcher and thought he did not have to wear a cup. One day he was catching and the ball hit him there and split his t******e in half he needed surgery and its still unsure if he can ever have kids in the future. He is only 16.

    why take the chance.

  4. He's old enough to make that decision on his own.

  5. I think it is up to him. It is probably embarrassing for him. So I would just offer it to him and let him decided what to do. He might discover that it is a good choice. but its up to him.  

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