
Would you ever be a vegetarian?

by  |  earlier

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I am and it has changed my life.




  1. I was for a year.

    it didn't change my life at all,

    I just didn't eat certain foods.

    and when I finally ate a ham sandwich it did not affect my life at all.

    cruelty to animals is disgusting, don't get me wrong, but they're gunna die anyway so let's make use of their corpses eh? xD

    also, for millions of years humans have been eating animals, and for millions of years animalss have been eating animals. it's perfectly natural and nothing to feel bad about.

    of course everybody is entitled to their own opinion and I certainly respect your choice of becoming a veggie, I just wanted to get my opinion across.

    thank you =]



  2. yes. i am.

    and i love it.

    yay! veggies rock! \m/>.<\m/

  3. i am vegetarian from born :). And i am proud of being vegetarian.

  4. No, it is not within my nature.

  5. I already am:]

  6. Probably not but who knows about the future.

  7. I am one

    I feel soo much more healthier

  8. No way. not that im against vegetarians in anyway but i myself could not do it.

  9. When cows grow on trees.

  10. I was when I was a cheerleader and I loved it!!

  11. i'm a vegan!!!!!!!!!!!

    obviously by my excessive amount of exclamations points i enjoy this aspect of my life. hehe.

  12. I'M A VEGETARIAN!!!!! And proud of it... my family is a little shocked though? I wonder why?

  13. yes i am. <3

  14. Since you are asking here..most regulars that will answer already are.  It has changed my life as well in many aspects.  I can also now truly say that I love animals : )

  15. I was once a vegetarian and I don't think i'll go back cause I traded up to being a vegan!!

  16. i am. it's quite easy after the first three years :D

    a lot of people have problems with trying to be vegetarian (my friends have asked for help but couldn't do it in the end) but i went cold turkey 7 and a half years ago and i haven't had any issues.

    most of the problem is people hating me... for no reason, simply because i won't eat a hamburger. or even their tuna salad. such hate. what the h**l? i'm not going back, people, but i don't care if you eat your meat. just don't throw it on my plate!

    minorities of any kind get screwed :(

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