
Would you ever buy a used breast pump?

by  |  earlier

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So I went on ebay in search of the Avent Isis Breast Pump, whether manual or electric, it didn't matter. I already have an electric pump, but it's quite painful, and I never seemed to get enough milk out of it. Surprisingly, I got more milk out of my Avent Manual Pump.

Sadly, my husband washed the tiny valve down the kitchen sink, and then, of course, all major stores here pulled Avent product, from bottles to breast pumps off the shelves.

Well, I found quite a few breast pumps on ebay for some pretty decent prices, bu most of them are used. I did find one that was new and sealed and should I get that one, it'll still cost me less in Canadian currency than it would to wait and see if Avent breast pumps ever go back on shelves here.

But it got my thinking. I personally would never use a used breast pump because of the hygiene issue. Would anyone else ever use a used one, and why or why not?




  1. I read somewhere that breast pumps cannot be fully sterilized in all the hard to reach nooks and crannies but that the ones that the hospitals rent out are more throughly sterlized at the hospital.  I'm all about buy used stuff for cheap but I draw the line here and I'll shell out whatever it takes for a new breast pump.  Good luck!

  2. I bought a used one off of ebay with all the fixings to it and it was pretty responsible in price. I don't regret it. Like most things you have to do when you buy  new, you have to sterilize it (clean it thoroughly). I don't see anything wrong with recycling.

  3. Heck no.

  4. The only used pumps I would use are:

    *A hospital pump (Medela Lactina, Symphony, Ameda Elite) with a brand-new collection kit

    *An Ameda Purely Yours with a brand-new collection kits

    The Purely Yours is the only non-hospital grade pump I know of that does not allow milk to back up into the tubing/motor.  I would never use a pump that could blow dried old milk particles from the motor through the tubes and into my milk.

  5. I wouldnt' use a used one, just for peace of mind.  There wouldn't be anything wrong with it though if you boiled it.  I mean it's really nothing wrong with it.  The hospitals rent pumps out all the time.

  6. i dont think there would be anything wrong with using a used breast pump it could be washed thoroughly and steralized. i guess if there were parents out there who were stuck for cash then this would  be a good option for them. although i personally wouldnt use a used one i can see why some poeple do or need to

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