
Would you ever consider donating your body to the "body farm" in TN?

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No really.

If you wanted to donate your body "for a cause" would you consider your decomposition for medical and criminal discovery?

The Caylee Anthony study lead to the discovery of her death in her 22 year old partying mother's trunk. - the company who does this... - what they do in detail




  1. I have never thought of whether I would but i am very intrigued by the body farm after hearing about it and seeing it on TV as well. I do not see how the young lady who heads this up now that Doctor Bass is retired can stand the smell of it all but more power to her. It is all a worthy cause and very necessary with crime being what is is today. It is funny you mention this because i just had a conversation with my father the other night about this poor little girl and i told him about the body farm at UT in the same conversation too. he had never heard of it and was quite revolted at the thought of it!

  2. well I'm already dead so yeah I would.

    Like I'm an organ donar. Im gunna be dead anyways so why do I need them? Give someone a 2nd chance at life!!

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