
Would you ever consider moving to a different country??

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i live in the USA and sometime in my life i would consider living in these countries:






it's just like a future thought, i'd like to be able to say that i've lived all over the world :] :]




  1. Living and travelling abroad made me appreciate my country a bit more.  I travelled to 3 out of the four countries you mentioned and England more than any of the others made me appreciate my country the most.

  2. Yeah. I want to move to Spain because I know Spanish.

  3. yes

  4. I have worked throughout Europe on agency contracts, lasting from a few months to years.

    To be honest I would not have missed the experience for the world.

    Although It's nice to travel abroad, you can't beat coming home to family and friends.

  5. I did move from the US to Italy for work about 9 years ago. It isn't necessarily an easy thing to do. You need to start thinking about a university degree that will give you skills that aren't readily available here. People from the EU have a right to live and work within the EU, but you will have to qualify for a visa that allows you to work here. You also may need a separate permission to stay in the country - here in Italy it would be a permesso di soggiorno.

    A good strating point for planning this type of move is to do some research on the expat websites for the countries you're interested in. Since you're already an expat in Australia, you may be familiar with this type of site. These are sites for expats in Italy with general info on living and working here:

    There are similar sites for other countries - just search for the name of the country and "expat". a few examples:

    It would be a good idea to travel before you move to get an idea of what different countries are like and where you might want to live. This isn't easy, but it doesn't hurt to look into the possibility.

  6. Not really. Even with all our foibles, I love living in America and being American. It seems like one would always feel out of place in another country and be considered a 'foreigner'. Some country's would be too dangerous for an American to live in. You'd be a target for terrorism, for sure.

    Some of these folks here have given you good advice about studying about the country you chose to flee to.

    Good luck on your move. Stay safe. :o)

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