
Would you ever do a DNA test that just told you your ancestry?

by Guest55588  |  earlier

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There is limited chance that I will find my bio-parents until the state I am from opens up the records (fingers crossed it will be soon!), but I am thinking of doing this DNA test for ancestry just for fun (I doubt it is all that reliable, but still would be interesting). If money wasn't an object, would you give it a try? And would you do your paternal or maternal line?




  1. Yeah, I would definitely do it. I would learn more about my family history and might even fine something very interesting. I think I would do both paternal and maternal.  

  2. Yep, I did the full works with familytreedna.  It confirmed my Irish ancestry and put me in touch with alot of blood relatives who had also registered; although we haven't figured out yet how closely we are related - it could be hundreds of years ago that we shared a common ancestor but I still find it totally fascinating and cool

    And the bonus is that genealogists don't judge and scold you for wanting to know your heritage and lineage - so cool!

    I was only able to do the maternal line.   Family tree explains why women can't get their paternal line tested

    I did that ancestry one but it was very vague and simplistic, I wanted deeper more detailed answers.

  3. Why not just search for your family?

    I don't know a single person who got their records through a 'open' state.

    We work around the system...

  4. Being adopted and with my biological parents not being honest about stupid simple things such as ancestry, I would choose the DNA ancestry testing as I love looking into heritage and history.  

  5. Yes I plan to eventually do one but right now the money is just not there for it. Some of this tests can cost 100’s even close to a thousands. There are so many out there that I would want to do a lot of research before picking 1.

    Unfortunately they don’t yet have the ability for a female to trace her Parental line, they always say you need a close male blood relative such a brother, 1st cousin, Uncle etc  on Nfathers side. And of course its only goes so far back so it wouldn’t tell you your ancestry from say great great great grandma etc.

    I know of several people who are not adopted yet want to eventually take one of this tests.

  6. That's something I need to do because my birth family keeps playing games, saying that the man named on my birth certificate isn't my dad. I have some of his features. But I REALLY need to know what I'm really mixed with.

  7. I had a DNA test done for my son.  I think it is a great idea, but it can be a bit disappointing because the information is very broad when you actually think about it.  If you have the money, I'd say go for it.

    I did one for my self as well.  I used genetree ancestral/heritage testing services just a couple of years ago... if that.  


  8. U bet i wanna c were im from thx 4 da idea JK

  9. I thought about it but it wouldn't tell me what I already know and I think that they need more people to do it for it to become more accurate or I should say informative.

    Here's a little something for you to read about Maternal vs. Paternal DNA.

  10. It's not so much that the DNA Ancestry Project is inaccurate.  It's just that is is very broad.  People participate in this project to find common ancestors.  Depending on who else is participating, you could find people who share common ancestry with you.  They may or may not,  however, be closely related.  You never know, however.  You could end up meeting someone related closely enough to be able to put you on the right track.

    Because I've traced my genetic history back several centuries, I have considered doing this in order to broaden my base.

  11. I am not adopted and i am thinking of doing it.  There are a few places that do it. They can give you an idea of where your ancestors came from.  cost like 150 to 200 dollars .  My family are not good historians and i would like to know more  

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