
Would you ever do permissive parenting

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I won't. It produces spoiled rotten brats who have no sense of respect for others and things around them. They have no responsibility for their bad behavior and their parents just sit there and say "Oh well if I ignore it, he will stop" or "Little Susy, it's not nice to bite Little Jane. How about you be nice and we'll have ice cream?" It's ridiculous, don't you agree?




  1. Maybe I missed something in your question but unlike some of the other people who answered I don't see where you have stated that you have to beat your children to be a good parent.  Not that you asked: but I actually do not believe in spanking as it is demeaning to children and not very effective.  However I do not believe in being permissive.  As parents, it is our job to develop rules that our children have to abide by and help them to develop the self-control to follow these rules instead of their immature impulses.  That is what discipline is.  

  2. You make it sound like parents who don't spank or beat thier children aren't teaching them by any other method!! Tell me this do you think it helps a child learn not to hit if after they hit somebody you tell them it is wrong and then you hit them?  That is a little confusing dont youo think?!  I think the best way is to use thier feelings as a tool.  You make them actually feel bad about what they did.  Or you can take some thing or some privilage away from them for awhile!!  Not saying that a little spank isn't called for every now and again, but come on people!

  3. Complete c**p. Apathetic, irresponsible, lazy.

    That's what's wrong with this frickin country. Parents are too incompetant or lazy to do their job. The others are afraid someone will call the cops cuz they gave the kid a smack on the hand.

    This c**p started back in the 60's, and now those kids and making gets worse and worse.

    We are screwed as a nation.

  4. After defining exactly what a permissive parent is, I would say I'd never ever be one of them.  I refuse to cave into manipulation, bribe my children to behave, or to let them get away with misbehavior.  Ignoring bad behavior does nothing more than to teach a child that their behavior is acceptable because they can get away with it without a consequence.  It makes for irresponsible, self centered adults with no maturity.  I've seen an adult throw a temper tantrum and it was utterly disgusting.  Apparently this adult had no been taught proper manners and had no sense of discipline or self control.  

    As for the example of Little Susy and Little Jane, I would never allow my "Susy" to get away with biting.  What I would do, say if the the children were school aged, is to have my child apologize for biting and let the parent of the other child know what happened.  I would take my child aside, tell her that she was wrong for biting and then I would take her home where she would probably receive a spanking or she may lose a privilege.  Ice cream is out of the question!  

    My style is traditional with a good blend of many disciplinary methods.  We have a set of ten house rules and next to each rule the consequence is listed for breaking that particular rule.  That way there is no doubt as why it's wrong or what will happen if the rule is broken.  So far, so good.  It's the type of thing my Dad did when I was a child and I am eternally grateful to not contribute to the spoiled, ungrateful, self centered generations.


    *izawanna* -- I don't see anything in the asker's question that says anything about spanking or beating children.  Making that assumption is not exactly bright.  They don't imply that spanking is the only way to discipline and neither do I.

  5. Why post a question you're not really looking for any input on?  It's crystal clear you're not looking to learn anything about any other point of view.

    No, I don't agree with the type of parenting you reference either, but I don't think you really care about that.  Posts like yours aren't meant to accomplish anything useful.  You're just looking for someone to say, "yeah you go man!" and gain a little popularity.  If you want to be an idol, get a puppy.

  6. No. I don't believe in any of the extreme ends of the parenting spectrum. Both extremes are a bit ridiculous, and are not (IMO) the best way to raise kids. Neither extreme (laissez-faire or authoritarian) fits my parenting style, and neither will serve my kids.

    Just as I would not hit my kids, I would not hurt them by letting them grow up to be the kind of person no one likes, or the kind of person who can't even like him/her-self.

  7. h**l yeah. I was never brought up that way. always got our hands smacked, or butts paddled. or switched. I dont hit or punish my kids like they do in the old days, but i do timeouts and believe they hate that

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