
Would you ever do this to your ex?

by  |  earlier

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okay, fyi, im using my lil sis account to ask this

check out this website and please tell me how mean he is!

trust me, its virus free and everything




  1. Well, you are certainly a cute girl! He's just being a jerk. Poor fool! just ignore him, he is immature. A real man would just walk away silently, and that should be a gentlemens revenge. Did he really catch you in bed with another man? Wow! what a head rush! Well, you can always say, he wasnt good enough so you had to be satisfied elsewhere. The only thing I have to say is: time don't be so sloppy and get caught like that! Live and learn. Be smart and be conniving.

  2. well u told him that he was ur love or wutever.

    and im sure it hurt him sooooo bad to find out that u were cheating.

    i can see y he did this.

  3. Well, I can imagine people getting angry about what he is stating, and definitely not be in his good books for eternity. But I think the site is a bit too much! Still a wounded heart is unpredictable.

    Next time commit yourself less, especially in the beginning. Let things take their time even if you think you feel something. Hopefully your ex will calm down after a while and make that site disappear!

  4. My reply to this is directed at John ,,,,Revenge huh?,,,, Well Johnny live and learn and grow up pal ,,,, It looks like you were leading with your chin on this one and letting your glands do your thinking for you instead of your brain ,,,, All you've done with this website is display your immaturity and inexperience ,,,,Guys do this to girls all the time ,,,,It's just that in this case the shoe is on the other foot  ,,,  You were obviously gullible enough to believe her and now you think you have the right to abuse her by smearing her all over the computer ,,,,  

    Put your glands to rest and start using your brain ,,,, When you posted that site you were no longer the injured party in this situation ,,,,, In fact you weren't the injured party to begin with ,,,,You are the one that approached her I'm sure ,,,,You should consider yourself lucky to have been able to even meet her ,,,,  She was doing fine before you met her ,,,, She's going to do fine without you ,,,,  She was and is not legally committed to you ,,,, It's not her fault that you read things into what she said that she didn't actually say ,,,,Sometimes people listen to what they want to hear and not to what was really said ,,,, What's the bottom line to all of this and what profit comes from this childish display of temper ,,,, This whole thing is going to bother you longer than it does her if she even bothers to remember it at all,,,, Besides no one else is going to remember this thing in the first place let alone care about your silly revenge ,,,,  

    You are leading with your chin again  ,,,, She's not the one that made you look like a fool YOU are ,,,,   She's not the one making you look foolish now YOU are with this silly nonsensical website ,,,, You need to grow up fella ,,,, Obviously you are old enough to drink but your childish temper and actions make you look like a jilted 16 year old little boy ,,,, Delete or wipe the web site and move on in your life ,,,, Start using your brain to think with instead of letting your glands do it for you ,,,,The longer you remain stupid the more likely it is this is going to happen again and again and so on ,,,, Life and growing up does serve up some hard knocks sometimes ,,,, Take your lumps if you think that's what you've got here but remember the lesson and move on ,,,, You are stuck in a rutt if you let this bother you ,,,, Realistically she doesn't deserve this childish c**p and the only one you are hurting is yourself by making yourself look like a complete aaasss ,,,, It's hard to believe that some one your age would use the word revenge ,,,, Well ,,,, Look for your revenge else where ,,,, You brought this all on yourself not her or anyone else ,,,,

    Oh ,,,, Buy the way ,,,, I do have to admire your taste in women ,,,, She is a knock out ,,,,, Too bad you weren't man enough to hold on to her ,,,,  //

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