
Would you ever dye your dog?

by Guest62113  |  earlier

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Amongst all the stupid things bored people think of, this has to be the more... um... interesting. Has anyone seen those poodle shows where the main purpose is to dye and cut your poodle in such a way, it resembles another animal? And what about the latest trend in Japan of dying being as readily available as a clip or wash as a grooming parlor?

See what I mean:

What do you think of this? What's the harm? Would you ever do this to your dog?




  1. I would never do this to my dog, but there is no harm.

  2. OMG no that is cruel poor dog going through all that just to look cool

  3. No, I wouldn't ever do it to my dog.

    I mightaswell plaster "Hello! I'm a total dip$hit" on my forehead.

  4. No I would never do this to my dog. But my good friends mother dyes the end of her dogs tail purple.

    Better not show this to Paris, not only will she have fabulous designer dogs, but now they will be dyed pink just like her dyed blond hair.Yippee, now this will become the latest fashion trend for teenage girls.    

  5. Never ever would I do this to my dog! Why do people get dogs if all they're going to do is dye its fur/hair? Its a stupid idea to me.

  6. Pity my dog is brindle.

    That look is like soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot.

  7. I would NEVER do this to my dog... It looks ridiculous to me.. even if some are washable... the whole process is just too silly.

  8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle powers ACTIVATE!!

  9. That first one was so funny!  I personally don't think there is anything wrong with it!  I bet the animals love the extra attention they get when walking around.  That being said, I still would never do anything like that.  

  10. I must say, the first one is great. xD Ninja turles all the way.

    But no, I would never, ever dye my dog. That'd be like asking me if I'd dye my child. Which would be another no. So no, my dog would never be turned into a turtle or a cop dog.

  11. i think its quite interesting on dying a dogs fur theres no harm on this since this dying ingrediant would obviously be made just for dogs and no i wouldn't do this to my dog~


  12. As long as the dog is happy (probably from all the extra attention), healthy, and the dyes have no lasting effects on the dog, then I see no problem with it.

    The first one was creepy though....

    I would only do small colors if I would have to, like an accent to a plain fur color.

  13. i dont think so, probably not

    i think its kind of stupid.

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