
Would you ever eat a balut?

by Guest67315  |  earlier

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  1. Oh yes indeed!

    Yummy and a distinctive, a bit like a cross between soft-shelled crab and soft-boiled egg...

    "Unsual", but far less bizarre than eating a hot dog! At least you can be sure what's in a balut!  

  2. Of all the foods they ever ate on Fear Factor, balut seemed the most disgusting...I can't believe anyone eats it by choice. Of course, I can't see a lot of things that are a delicacy in China making it on a buffet, for example san jiao - "three screams."

    Edit: I know balut isn't Chinese.

  3. I looked at it and nearly puked. I have to make dinner but, I'm not sure after seeing this if I can eat... YUCK !bd

  4. no way, no thx, that's just foul.  there are plenty of other wonderful foods in the world like chocolate, pineapples, ice cream, baklava.... that I would prefer to eat.

  5. No. Haven't tried and wouldn't. Partly because I think ducks are cute & see them every weekend & sometimes do feed them breads at the marina. My boys when they were toddlers/young boys had them only because their grandparents (fathers side) would give it to them as a snack & I respected that its just food. It may look bizzare but imagine how other countries look at us when we eat certain foods were just bought up a certain way.

  6. Of course i would, because i'm a Filipino and proud to be one. Yeah a lot of people would really say that it's nasty and to the extreme very primitive perhaps. But if you would ask what's the use of eating it maybe you'll learn a little by asking Balut eaters why?, You can ask yourself, is it for the pleasure of just eating it or because of it's nutritional value. A Balut egg is very nutritious, just like an ordinary egg for that matter. That's why it's not advisable to eat 3 or 4 eggs at a time you'll get dizzy after eating. Balut is high in Calcium, Iron, Protein and Cholesterol. Usually here in the Philippines if you have bled for a cause (Donated Blood to the Red Cross) you will be encourage to eat Balut and drink a a bottle of Beer (Cerveza Negra). Nutritients is needed by our bodies, and nutrients comes from so many sources, High Value Nutrients are unusually found in ODD and what other's would call Nasty Foods, try eating some.

  7. No way. That is disgusting.

  8. Not only no, but h**l no!!

    A wonderful friend of mine and I were discussing this topic a few months ago and she said how much she loves them!!   I thought I was going to loose my dinner.   Her husband only laughed and said that she only eats them when she goes to visit her family in Cambodia.

  9. nope....................nope............... !!!!!!!

  10. I have already. Did you know that farmers in the Midwest here have been eating them for 150 years? It's big in the east, but the farmers here -- at least some of them -- like it, too. Hey, try it! It won't kill you! Now, it isn't a great taste sensation for me, but I'd eat it again.

  11. no, my cousin is married to a Philippine she would visit us we had a farm she would go into the chicken coop and eat the fertilized egg just like that with out even boiling it...I remember getting so mad at her!

    It nasty, but like I was told its their culture and to respect them.

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