
Would you ever get a tattoo your patriotism??

by  |  earlier

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One with a barcode and a serial number. LOL




  1. do what you want man its your body i wouldnt but it looks good on some people on the back of their neck

  2. h**l no....

    that sounds like some type of weird big brother thing....

  3. nope never, i will not let a needle near my skin unless its for my health

  4. on my a**!  XD

  5. Why would one deface one's body with a tattoo? I know they are popular and fashionable, but I find them ugly and I always think one with the tattoo must be less intelligent.

    Getting a tattoo for patriotism is ridiculous. There are far better ways to honor one's country.

  6. No thanks! lol :-)

  7. Yes, I would like a barcode on my inside forearm. Then I could scan myself at the self checkouts and mess up the system continually.

  8. no...tatoos r gross

  9. Only if I got paid for it, like I didn't have to pay taxes and it had a bar code at the bottom that the gas station would scan and it would say the government was paying for my gas so don't worry about it cause I'm super hot with my american flag tatoo and the government loves me.... that would be the only reason to get one.

  10. Heck no, the social security number gets stolen enough, you want someone to try and steal your arm?

  11. Maybe if i didnt live in the US.

  12. Nah, not for patriotism.

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