
Would you ever . give your life . for your country ?

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Would you ever . give your life . for your country ?




  1. i would give my life up for my country on the basis that I am giving up my life for millions of people not millions of trees or square metres of land.  A country is, I think, made up of its people and I'm no patriot but is there anything more noble than giving up your life for such a sea of others?

  2. sorry to say no

  3. in case of war...I thing there will be some moral obligations even towards immoral atmosphere.



  4. "My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country."  Nathan Hale

    I can only hope I would be so brave.

  5. if the world depended on me dying then yeah but otherwise no.

    im too precious.

  6. ummm. nope...

  7. Never ever.  (I would give up my life to save a person, but I have not even a drop of patriotism in me for any country, nor do I really believe in countries as being actual, but more as artificial titles and borders that we have created and deposited upon various bits of land...)

  8. It depends on what you mean by 'for your country'. I would give my life if by not doing so everybody in my country would die, or if another country was about to completely ruin our way of life by forcing something horrible on my country, or something like that. But I wouldn't die just because some politician in the capital decided that I should go to war. s***w him!

  9. No. A country is an imaginary border that is only meaningful as long as you live in it. I would give my life for my freedom though, that is a different question.

  10. try to preach this sacrificial c**p among mothers whom lost their kids in a war or in time of a total both cases you may die suddenly and quickly for speaking on behalf of a country...there is no tolerance to  those blah-blahers when they preach those things in wrong place and wrong time..Philosophies of a troubled time becomes less sophisticated or in another words simple..

  11. actually it depends..

    if i'm i feel that i'm alive in that country so i would do give my my life cause without my country i will be dead ,,,

    but if i'm already -feeling- dead in country so it does not deserve to sacrifice it ....

    just one think for the poeple that who said NO ,,guys remember that you might die for your house or your belongings -e.g your wallet - so why not to die for something greater ,,

    there is nothing gearter than the homeland ..

  12. depends on the situation and for what reason

  13. You may not believe me, but I would in a heartbeat.  I would give my life not only for my country, but also for any of the men and women under me.  If I knew my life would prevent the loss of theirs or would protect my country, then I would gladly do it.

  14. The definition of country is vague, governments corrupt and ruthless, only a fool would sacrifice life for such an idiosyncratic system. For a noble cause, love, god, yes, for the modern definition of 'country', no.

  15. nope, never

  16. No. It is not worth it.

  17. When my country can so easily take away my rights that I'm dying for? No.

  18. for humanity, for my country if it is in the interest of humanity. if my country goes crazy invading other countries no. in self defense of invasion, yes.

    but only if i thought my life would have been worth it. like i wouldn't go on a suicide mission for nothing.

  19. I would.....only to protect others.

  20. Depends on the situation.

  21. Yes.  This is a great land that many of my ancestors lived off of and respected as thier life source.  Also it is the land that gave a few more freemdom.  Freedom from fear, from debts, and from religious prosecution.  It also gave them hope of a better life and a will to try to live.  Even if the goverment were to fall I would want to defend it, not for political reasons, but for my family history, and the love of the land itself.  It's my Home, basically.  I would defend my house the sameway.

  22. maybe, problem is i would never take another persons life for my country. You generally need to be willing to do both to be in the situation where you would have to do either...

  23. Too general a question.  Which country are you talking about?  What would be the reason for the conflict?  Or is there no conflict at all?

    You could say that every citizen who does not leave their country is giving their life for their country.

  24. philippines sucks. and i would never ever give my d**n life for the bullshit country that i live in...........

  25. h**l of a question. Honestly I dont think I'm quite that noble. But I wouldnt hestitate giving up my life for the people I love.

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