
Would you ever leave your pet behind??

by Guest61410  |  earlier

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Like during an emergency.

I could never do that.

My maltese is like my baby to me((=




  1. No, never.

  2. I would never, but i have had to sometimes and that was because the hotel that we stayed at didn't accept animals.

    It sucked.and i was always worried.

  3. OMG never.. my dogs' lives come before mine.. i have 5.. and they are my children!!

  4. I would never be able to. I love them. I would fight to the end and do anything I could do to save them.  

  5. Naah i would feel really guilty forever but anyway my cats are usually outside anyway

  6. We currently have 3 dogs, I do not think we could leave them behind. Although my pit mix fights with the other two if it came down to us leaving the house we would somehow get them in the car or truck with us.

    When we moved out of state years ago we had 3 dogs and 2 rabbits in the backseat of the car on top of all our stuff, with me in the middle! I was like 10 years old at the time...every pot hole dad hit my head hit the top of the car!  

  7. No!

    I love my kittys!


  8. no, how ever big or Small they are, they've still got feelings like, and i couldn't do that to an animal, so no.

  9. NO WAY! i love my animals to death they're to awesome to leave and i love them to death so NO WAY!

  10. nope. i lived in south carolina for several years, and our city was evacuated three times for hurricanes coming thru. i worked at the local humane society, and we hunkered down in the shelter to care for the animals there, plus to take in animals from people having to evacuate to human shelters in other cities. we wanted to make sure people had a place to bring their pets to when they left so they wouldn't just let the animal go or leave it at home to face dangers on its own. each time, my pets came with me to stay at the shelter too. in the event we were forcefully moved out of the city (which was a possibility during each hurricane), my animals would have gone with me then too. i'd rather live in my car and know they were safe with me than leave them behind and stay in a human shelter somewhere by myself.

  11. never. our dogs are part of our family.

  12. never!!!!!!

  13. i would never do that its like animal abuse are something like that

  14. I could never do that. If i ever did i would feel guilty the rest of my life. I couldnt do it. I dont know how i would. All of my pets are my family and are my little babies. They mean the world to me.  

  15. i have a pet worm i would never leave him  

  16. I have fish that are 7 years old ! ! And two baby fish.

    I am not leaving them ... Literally ! !

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