
Would you ever move for your boyfriend/girlfriend?

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I'm asking because my boyfriend is from France but was going to college here in Texas. We both just graduated and he wants to start his career in France and wants me to go with him. I think it would be great except I will def be home sick and I'm really close to my family. So I would miss them and don't know if I could stand only seeing them a few times a year. Also, we are both 24 years old and have only been together for 8 months.So we haven't known each other long. I always try to be realistic so I know it could either be the best thing or the worst thing I would ever do.

Would YOU ever move if your significant other asked you to?




  1. I lived in Texas and my boyfriend was in California.  We were heartsick everytime we had to end a visit.  So after about 8 months and getting engaged, I moved to California.  I miss Texas a lot but it was worth it to be near my love. We got married on 5/10/08.

    For you, I would suggest doing the long distance thing for a little while with the goal of moving to France if you can make it work.  8 months isn't that long but you know how you feel. Follow your heart because you don't want to always wonder what if...

  2. I moved from FL to MI for my girlfriend after dating for 5 months. Now we are engaged and planning the wedding. It all depends on how you really feel about the person and whether you can see yourself with them for the rest of your life. The being home sick and missing family and friends is hard at first, just make sure you talk and let him know when it's getting to you. Communication is the only thing that will help the home sickness.

    Good Luck

  3. Across the state? Maybe.  Out of country?  No.   The only I would move is if I was married.  Sorry, but I need more of a commitment to leave my family/friends than just "boyfriend".  This really needs to be a topic of conversation for you two.  If you would be willing to move with commitment, or not.  Who's to say even if he proposed that it would be enough.  For some, there isn't anything that is enough to move away from what they have known their whole lives.  

    I am engaged to a military guy so trust me, I have had to consider this. We were faced with the dilemma of him being stationed in England about six months after we started dating.  Thankfully, it turned out that he didn't have to go, but up until we found that out, we had many serious talks about where we were going and if I was willing to go.  I made my decision...while I would have loved to be with him where ever he was, I couldn't just up and leave my family,friends, and job for a boyfriend.  I needed commitment.  

  4. I don't know that is a big move and to go with someone else into another country is questionable at any rate, even if you knew them for ten years (ever see Not Without my Daughter?)  I would have to think about if for around a month before I made my decision.  It sounds fun in ways but who knows what could happen later?    

  5. N E V E R

  6. I would...but I know my boyfriend for 4 years and I know he is the one for me.  

  7. I would absolutely move!

    Not everyone has the same ties to 'home' as everyone else.  I'm part gypsy and the urge to move happens for me all the time - to have the opportunity to move just fall in my lap is like a dream come true!

    Besides, you only live once - make the best and most of it!

    Good luck to you.

  8. I would. You never know unless you try. It's not like you wouldn't be able to come back if you had too. I wish I had an opportunity like this when I was young. I would have jumped at it.

  9. You are going to forsake your family, & friends for a BOYFRIEND (we aren't talking about a fiance or husband here).  Maybe if you were talking about having a GREAT job opportunity lined up in France + your boyfriend or he wasn't simply a boyfriend (something a bit more Fiance / husband).

    With saying that, I honestly wouldn't date a citizen of another country if the expectation was that I would end up moving to another country (especially long term).  There would be cultural issues (and believe me his family will harbor some thoughts about an "American") and more important the distance from my family.  It is hard to live 1 - 2 days away from my parents but at least I can easily get to them if need be (especially as they age)..its not so simple when with the Atlantic sitting between France and the U.S.

  10. Not after only being with them for eight months and not having an idea where the relationship is going, like being engaged already or plans to get married (which you shouldn't push for if the relationship is not ready to take that step). That's not enough time to really know if your relationship can survive that type of move and I don't feel that's enough time that you two got to really know each other to come to a realization that you can live together and be together. I'm close to my family as well, and I'm sure you'd feel a little resentful leaving your close support system and only having him to rely on. I would only go if it was benefiting you in some way as well, if you were able to find a stable career there or go to school there, but only to go there and be with someone might leave you with a lot of regrets.

    Really think it over before you decide to leave your whole life behind for another person. I'd want it to be something I want to do not only for someone else, but for myself as well because I'd be benefiting from the move. Don't uproot your life just for another person because he didn't for you. He could have found a position in your state, but he didn't. So just think about that before you start packing your things.

    Good luck, hun.

  11. if i had the money. yea i would move. but the relationship has to be real. wouldnt wana have the biggest disappointment lossin that someone..

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