
Would you ever pee in a wetsuit?

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a friend told me she had and didnt seem worried about it.i hate the idea,what do you do.




  1. i do it all the tijme when im cold ... so does my class when we go for sport surfing , we are a bit weird

  2. Dude.... letting water in the neck is the flush....

  3. Once I was surfing and had to let one go inside the wetsuit. I was reluctant and extremely uncomfortable afterwards but eventually the ocean water washed it out. (I hope)

  4. Show me a diver who claims not to have pee'd in their wetsuit and I can show you a liar.  I have, many times. All you do is pull out your neck seal a bit and pump it in an out to flush water down past your ankles.

    As for a dry suit..why yes I have. I have a pee valve installed on mine and use a catheter. Nothing stays in the suit. So technically, I have peed in there but not really.

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