
Would you ever vote for an atheist?

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"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal"- Emma Goldman

Consider that the greatest reforms were enacted by courts or executive orders made under political pressure...what do politicians do on a day to day basis besides rape us and sell us to the highest bidder?

Why would an atheist doing this be so much worse than a Christian/Jew?




  1. Yes. But not because they're an atheist.

  2. HaHaHahahahaha.  How would you know? They will tell you anything to get your vote.  And with our limited two party system, the candidate is supposed to reflect the views of his/her party, not their own.  As if that meant anything. . .

  3. Thomas Jefferson was an atheist, and one of the few quintessential Americans. Thank you for your ignorance and the 2 points.

  4. no way this country was founded on god,

  5. i hve no cue what an atheist is sorry

  6. it would be no different.

  7. I may say yes! if the dicission , deeds of that person conforms to universal law.

  8. Voting. The whole idea of democracy, yet where in we have seen the worst disrespect for human indecency in Adolf Hitler with the extermination of Jewish, mentally ill, gypsies, the down syndromes, homosexuals, and even mal formed or birth deformed folks. Where Stalin in Communist USSR demanded twenty million folk die defending the Motherland.

    Relax, its not going where you think, perhaps as the Australian Election was called for November 24th by Prime Minister Howard, I see a wry sense of Australian larakin frivolity to the way I prefer to present both sides of an arugment before giving my opinion, most folks love facts, just scroll to the end and miss all the fun if you are boring then, mmmmn, not?

    Irreverence, reverence and dutiful stability, what has religion got to do with politics? Surely, the biggest condemnation Australians have done here is to use a voting block of either having always voted a particular way or even had their religion rob their freedom. My answer, Cry Freedom! This is truly the hall mark of a democracy, using hypocrisy myself here, even George Dubya Bush POTUS used the phrase, Operation Enduring Freedom has been a success?

    But there in lies the disaster, remember the song by Black Eyed Peas? "Where is the love"?

    Imagine a world where there was no hate, no violence and no crime, just honest decent folk, whoooaa, are you delusional? No, within each of us, there is always a hope, a core element of decency, whether Jew, Christian, Muslim, Aethiest, Agnostic, Ba Hai, Hindu, Seek, Budhist, Wicca, whatever! To basically do good, Altruism, the ability do good for the sake of good is the basic human condition, it is our survival instinct to be able to continue, but there in lies the corruption it is not so much denial, or even betrayal or even trust at issue but respect, you see, so many crimes are committed in the name of God, or the Higher Power we all want to focus on blame. It was not always the case.

    Where, guilt, shame, blame and distrust exist, so too does sickness related to fears, greed, hypocrisy, lies and sloth, yet, it is not fault of those ill unless designed themselves this way or that for fault to be not mindful of the needs and wants of others. Keep in mind, always and everywhere, where folks fail to leave enough for the others, whomever the others is defined as, be aware, security becomes at risk and environment within which we all work is compromised, whether fininancial, natural, psychologically stressed, or even mechanised, or computer.

    Realistically it would be a Utopia to not have any war, it is clearly not the case and never has been, territories have always had disputes where patriotism, nationalism and decay have set in, fear, the over riding factor every time, where refugees abound, creates an awareness in world media, as seathing hoardes of humanity being injured hurt of butchured, irrespective of belief, holds us all accountable, for the metaphysical poets, ask, there is some greater spritual link, ask not if a sod of earth be washed away to sea, ask not for whom the bell tolls, for we are all at a loss if anyone dies, but what gives any race, religion, politics or creed, to be greedy on territory to either populate like rabbits or not at all, the dutiful consistency makes me believe, a well balanced approach to life, is surely the most definitive answer.

    But, as a Christian, I am held accountable to my God, Christ would not want me unequally yoked, there fore I would not vote for a fundamentalist extremist, rather, a decent like minded person who basically represented the constituancy in a fair manner. Fair, an emotive word meaning nothing but what I want it to? Am I being fair to myself to elect a person claiming to be Christian to find this fraud has frequented mob run brothels and probably still does with a severe drinking problem not properly admitted?

    When an alcoholic blacks out and remembers nothing, it shows severe brain damage psychologically, my vote is always based upon leadership, I believe a leader has to lead by example, if I were to have children, or if my nieces asked my about a leader, as a fellow man, claiming to be a Christian who helped himself to the degradation of women and was basically justifying such behaviour as "spunky" or acceptable, no, I would not s*x up an election?

    Can you see as a disaffected conservative voter, where I had supported a social democrat gain state government how bitterly disappointed as a Christian at the total lack of any leadership or worthy policy other than the me too christians out there? I am not just saddened and acknowledge many folks are suffering financially, but, am ashamed this leader has identified himself asking for forgiveness I have to give, yet although I like him as a lovable rogue, it shows a complete lack of respect, honour and virtue, not, forgiveness, needed to lead by example, not drunk, into the nearest brothel run by a mob and totally disgrace himself as an Australian Prime Minister potential candidate, brand names aside, I can not condone bad behaviour, nor reward it, nor a total lack of respect to the honour, dignity and virtue required to instruct the nations children who are our future?

    Personalising your issue requires my apology, I am sorry, I was wrong for personalising it, but can not tollerate stupidity where it is culpable and condoned by a whole party as worthy for leadership, where is there party celebrations taking place? The Pink p***y Cat at the Cross? What about the kids? They deserve better, so do familys!

    Despite this, I sadly believe your views on democracy are misguided, do you think voting makes any difference when spin doctors guide and beguile our very impressions into ten second opinions played by media barons as how to vote or whom to vote when chads were allowed to swing by folks better stepping aside as political in judiciary best left as apolitical. In  Australia our Electoral Act would disqualify an Attorney General involved in politics disciding a hung vote.

  9. Definitely yes!  In fact I think that I would prefer it.

  10. You vote for the Person and their Policy, and that of the Party they represent.

  11. If he/she was the best person for the office, yes.

  12. yes

  13. I vote for the best person for the job.  I don't care what a person believes as long as they are man/woman enough to stand by their convictions.

  14. Nope

  15. If they are a good leader, I don't care what religion they are (or aren't)

  16. Yes, I would count it in the candidates favor, but then again I am an atheist. What bothers me is that statistically, Americans won't vote for an atheist, thus why atheists have to lie about their beliefs to get into office. It's ironic considering the founder fathers weren't really far off from atheism themselves (they were Deists, which only believed in God in the most abstract sense).

  17. Americans probably wouldn't elect a jew, either. They're convinced this is a 'xtian' country.

    But yes, I"d vote for an atheist long before I'd vote for Mitt Romney.

  18. Give me the atheist's name and I'll vote for him/her!

  19. No. If something unexpected or bad happens, who will they rely on?

  20. to me it doesnt matter. if they can do good for the country. that is all that matters

  21. I probably would not.

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