
Would you ever want to adopt a child, if you had the means to?

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Would you ever want to adopt a child, if you had the means to?




  1. I was taken away from my birth mother at 15 months because she was "living with a man to whom she was not married" & didn't have the financial means to care for me (per court records).  After a year in foster care she was told she'd never have custody of me again, but could give me up for adoption.  Of course, I knew none of this growing up.  

    I was adopted by my foster parents at age 3.  As a kid, I wanted to have 2 children & adopt older, "un-adoptable" foster child, like me.

    I was a teen mom.  My (a) mother pushed me for over two years to relinquish my daughter.  I refused.  And I thank God every day for that girl!

    Now I volunteer as a CASA, or Court Appointed Special Advocate.  I visit with my CASA child weekly, watch out for her well being, make recommendations to the court regarding her desires and needs.  Whenever possible, the courts in my county advocate for and provide family reunification services.  

    Today, there are so many children in foster care sadly because parents are drug addicted.  They need a home with open hearted people who understand their loss and grief, and who will love them.  And they deserve this!    

    I still think about adopting a foster child.  For now, I'm there to be a friend, to listen, to understand, to advocate for my CASA child.  I hope to help her keep the connections she has to her siblings.  

    But adopt a baby?  Probably not.  I support keeping family's together whenever possible.

  2. No.  I know first-hand what it can do to a child.

  3. If I was unable to have kids of my own I probably would.

  4. Yes, maybe.

  5. Yes, but I would not want a newborn. I would want an older child. I am not a baby person. I enjoy my daughter being a toddler more than a baby.

  6. I have love "the system" since I was 7 years old and went to an Open House at a Group Home.

    I've wanted to adopt a child since I was a young teen. I'm planning to return to college so that I can get a degree so that I can adopt my dream baby in 4-5 years.

    I've only seen adoption as a way of starting a family. I find pregnant women as freaky looking and could never see myself as pregnant.

    I watched an episode of The Jefferson's the evening where this little boy want to be adopted for Christmas. I cried during the whole thing... I'm actually tearing up now...

  7. Maybe, but I would be more inclined to want to be a father to a child who shared my genes.

  8. You betcha! I'd be the best daddy in the world . . . ever!

  9. Absolutely, especially if there was a kid in need who crossed my path.

  10. I would, but my husband is against it because his step-brother and his wife had a baby taken from them when the mom changed her mind a few weeks later.

  11. Absolutely.

  12. I would love to be able to adopt a child.  It would definately have to be a child from america though. I know there are tons of other kids in other countries, but there are tons of kids here that need help too.

  13. Yes, of course. In fact, I want to both adopt and give birth myself.

  14. yes, i love kids.

  15. Aside from miscroscopic genes being different, I see no difference compared to raising a biological child. They both have the same needs so the answer is yes, I would definitely adopt but not from the US so the mother doesn't take it back. That would be too traumatizing for the child. In fact I just received a package from an agency to adopt through in the mail today. I was unsuccessful through a different agency, but this one lists the countries that adopt to single women but there's still discrimination, many countries will let singles adopt only older children with health conditions that can be very expensive and time consuming to treat especially for a single person so that hardly makes sense so I am looking into that as my option right now but I don't want to risk waiting another 4 years only to get no results so I am considering getting pregnant at this point. Might make more practical sense but sad I won't be able to help an unfortunate child already in need especiallyl since I have better financial means than most couples they choose over me. But that's red tape for you. They'd rather keep them in orphanages without a normal life.

  16. yes I would because I don't wanna hav to gothrough the whole labor thing....

  17. My wife an I are on a waiting list to adopt.  We hope someone picks us soon - we can't wait.

  18. If I had Donald Trumps Money, I would adopt a lot of children, ranging in all ages, every child needs love, not just babies

  19. Yes, absolutely.

  20. Yes, perfect oppotunity to start a family for those who can't and even those who can. AND you'd improve the life of a sweet child.:)

  21. Yes, and I'd train them, like the show The Pretender, so they could make me rich!

  22. Yes.  My husband and I have talked about it several times. We have a 16 month old daughter and a boy on the way but figure by the time they are both school aged we may want to adopt a child into our home.  I personally think it is a wonderful thing to do.  Also, if we adopt, we will probably adopt an older child.

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