
Would you ever want to be a cop?

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why or why not?




  1. "The sad thing is, the average cop has intelligence well below average, and average athleticism. So it's not a skilled profession."

    It's too bad that you don't have the balls to be a cop, it seems that you've got the whole "better than others" thing down.

  2. Yes I would.

    It is a good way of putting something back into the community and a way of helping others.

    This is despite all the negativity we often get from some members of society.  No doubt there's lots of answers here that are of a similar vein.  I've not read any more answers yet but no doubt they are the usual criticisms and references to incompetence and dough nut eating!

  3. i've wanted to be a cop my whole life but the only hard thing is trying to worry about when to grab your terrorist mask or to always guard your gun when writing tickets and keep your eyes open of beat duty wow it gets frustrating and i dont feel like going on

  4. No way. It takes a certain personality type to be a cop. See what Josh wrote about cops. I don't have it in me to walk around abusing civilians all day, acting like I'm better than everybody.

    The sad thing is, the average cop has intelligence well below average, and average athleticism. So it's not a skilled profession.

  5. Absolutely not.

    As a paralegal, I regularly interact with police... and while they get a bad rap for ignorant criminals who talk without attorneys, it isn't their fault that the people who commit crimes aren't aware of their rights... it's part of the sociology of poverty, and I have to commend them on exploiting within the means of the law, where available.

    While there are some crooked cops, I'd say they're few and far between.  

    Most become police officers to do some good, change society, and protect people, it's a totally commendable line of work.  That being said, it's totally dangerous, too -- and while the pay is good, the benefits are good... and the job security is good, they're not good enough that I'm willing to put myself into danger where some nut-job spazzed out on meth is trying to jab me with a bloody knife.

  6. I don't think people want to be cops to serve or give back to their community (I'm sure there are exceptions), but rather because it seems exciting and occasionally dangerous.  You get your own cop car, gun, radio, and get to be in on all the exciting illegal action around town.

    As far as it being a skilled profession, saying it is because you have to learn new cuffing methods is like saying McDonald's is skilled because you have to learn how to fold the burger wrapper correctly or work the cash register.  As far as most careers go, it's not that skilled by comparison.  Learn the laws - yeah, but basically everybody learns the law anyway, just to a lesser detail.

    I don't think most cops become cops looking for power or authority, but it seems every time I deal with one, they sure know how to assert their authority and "That's right, what are you gonna do about it??" or "can't touch me" mentality.

    Not saying we don't need police officers....

  7. I love being a cop.  To say that it is not a skilled profession is ludicrous.  We continually update our education on everything from handcuffing to case law.  We are required to.  We have regular evaluations.  Most cops do have above average intelligence.  Most have degrees or are working on degrees.  Yes, some cops abuse their authority, but most don't.  And to say there is little to no threat in a small town is also ridiculous.  Have you ever had to fight big drunk Bubba who just got home from the bar and found his wife with another man?  I have worked one larger city but most small towns under 2,000 people and in those smaller places I have been shot at, and once in a town of less than 500 people, I was ambushed and taken hostage.  It is still dangerous.  I love my job and I love serving my community.  I believe there is no place for dishonesty or immorality in a department and I have gotten rid of several of my officers who believe otherwise.

    I am proud of my officers.  We are in a small town in Missouri and we right little to no traffic tickets.  Not much traffic here anyway, most of the time.  If we do right you a ticket we probably also found that you were dwi or had narcotics on you.  We take several missing persons reports a year, and work about 50 accident reports a year.  We do a lot of burglary and theft investigations as well.  I love it.

  8. yes its one of the easiest jobs in the world and there is little to no threat in a small town like the one i live in. you can give people a hard time for no reason and you can act like your better than everyone else and no1 can do anything. cops in mass make like 80 bucks an hour for directing traffic when the power lines go down

  9. Depends. I could be into investigating crimes like theft/rape/murder & bringing justice to the world.

    I could never be a traffic cop. That just seems so boring to be sitting by the side of the road waiting for someone to speed a little bit. I don't think this job helps make the world a safer place either. I would hate knowing that I really ruined someone day by hurting them financially. A presentation I heard from a cop said that this is the most dangerous position because you don't know who you are pulling over & if they are armed, especially if they have tinted windows. . .

    Would you??

  10. Yes because in a city like Los Angeles, you protect and serve. However, i will not want to do it because of the dangerous situation one can get into as a police officer.

  11. I did, 26 years ago, joined the Army instead no regrets.

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