
Would you ever wash your child's mouth out?

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Wether it was soap, vinegar or hot sauce. Did your parents do it to you?




  1. It was never done to me. They talked to me instead.

    I wouldn't do it. Not only am opposed to physical consequences like that, but would be concerned about the toxicity. Soap is basic, which means that it is potentially corrosive. I accidentally got some in my mouth once (I still can't figure out how it happened, but I was pretty young, so who knows. I think I just didn't get it all off when I was washing my hands) and it burned my throat.

    I think it actually says on the bottle that you aren't supposed to ingest it, and that seems like it would be hard to avoid completely if it's in your mouth.

    If you look on the back of a bottle of Dial soap (I just ran into the bathroom to grab one) it says that you should call the poison control center if you swallow any by accident, so I wouldn't want to risk something like that, when I can talk to my child without any negative repurcussions.

  2. Yes, I would do it. And yes, my parents did it to me.

  3. nononono this may be a type of abuse even if they do swear its wrong just use the naughty stair or corner and bann them from lucsury things for 2weeks or so depends how bad it is....hope i resolved ur question....

  4. yes my mom did when i said a dirty word. the first time i said it she would explain it to me and tell me not to say it again. then if i said it again she would wash my mouth out with soap as to show me that I'm not to say that word. so when i have kids i will probably do the same.

  5. I would NEVER EVER do that!! I think that a child can learn and be taught but not that way!! My mom washed my sisters daughter's mouth with hot sauce because she would suck on the Tylenol up until the sweet coat came off. But god forbid she ever did that to my little girl fumes would be coming out of my ears and A**.... LOL but i do not think that it is okay its cruel!!

    *Mother of 2 year old girl and 30 weeks pregnant with a boy :)

  6. No, thats messed up, thats why belts were invinted.

  7. no my parents never did. And we had a Mom in town use pepper, the child died choking. Plus soap could cause bad diareia (sp). I wouldn't.

  8. My preschool teacher stuck a bar of soap in my mouth one was awful.

  9. Yes I would. My mom did it to me once and I never forgot it. She had me hold a bit of dish soap in my mouth for a few seconds and then spit it out.  

  10. NO they did not and I wouldn't either I personally think it is cruel and does no good except potentially make your child sick.

  11. i've had my mouth washed out only a couple times when i was little, for biting, it did work to hinder my bad habit after those couple of times my mother only had to threaten the soap for me to stop, if my childs behavior got bad enough and they refused to listen i might wash their mouths out once or twice

  12. No i never had mine, but my brother did. (i was the yougest so i learned from his Those words are not acceptable in my house.

  13. Yep my parents made me have a teaspoon of mustard powder or curry powder, funny enough I'm allergy to them now hmmm, wonder if they are connected lol.. And although my 2 girls haven't had anything like that  (beinf 5 and 3yrs old they are too young for that kinda of punishment), but my step daughters have been made to bite down on a cake of soap (no not swallow or anything else, just bite into it and spit it out) the taste it leaves behind does the job lol (I didn't do it their father did) and only a couple of times its happened as they were cursing (different) times but it was well and truly over the top.

    I think 3 times each, they haven't done it in ages now lol.

  14. Yup I've had soap before---ewww nasty---but it worked.

    I havent done it to my children. Although I am half tempted to and have even threatened my oldest with it for saying bad words. He KNOWS they're bad words and still says them anyway. After he says the bad words, I look at him sternly and he says "bad word mom". So I tell him that next time he says it, I'm washing his mouth out with soap. I haven't done it though....

  15. No and No

  16. I had it done once to me for cussing and you'd better believe that I never did it again!  I was a teenager so I didn't need to be "taught" that cussing was wrong...I knew it was.  But I certainly got my earned consequence out of it and learned to never disrespect my mother again.  I had my mouth washed out with non-toxic soap and no it did not make me sick and it obviously didn't kill me!  :)  It was just a quick swish of soapy water in my mouth and then rinse.

    For my kids, I don't think I'll use that method.  I think if they want to cuss or be disrespectful they will either get a spanking or they will scrub a tiled surface with a toothbrush somewhere in the house, lol.  If they are young enough and don't understand what cussing is, the first time I can explain why those words are not tolerated or kind, but any time after that first explanation, they do it knowing that word is not acceptable so they do it defiantly and willingly.  They need no explanation as to why it's wrong after the first time.  Only a reminder and a consequence.

  17. My parents never did. Then again, I never swore around my parents. If my daughter did it would depend on many factors what the consequences would be. Age, whether she knows what she is saying, if she stops when she it told not to use such language, etc. I would never use hot sauce for 2 reason- I would not want her to associate punishment and food, and it can actually cause a good bit of pain. Vinegar would be pretty sufficient but I doubt I'd have the heart to go that far.

    If nothing worked, I would probably make her gargle listerine. Kids HATE listerine. At least I did. It would teach her a lesson and be healthy. It would have to go a loooong way before I took such measures though.

  18. i had a few soap washings as a child ( i was a typical mouthy cocky teenage girl) heck my brother and i were even duct taped from ear to ear one day for fighting and yelling and embarrassing mom.  i have threatened my children with it,,,and if need be yes i would wash their mouth out with soap.

  19. if my child needed it, yes, i would use soap in a naughty mouth.  no, i never was stupid enough to try anything  that might get me that treatment.  i knew a mouth washing would be followed by a butt-warming !!

  20. I had enough respect for my parents to never have cussed in front of them until I was married.  Even as an adult I didn't do it so no I never had my mouth washed out with anything and no I wouldn't do that to my children because soap is toxic and can make you sick and instead of teaching kids not to do something because it reflects negatively on them it teaches kids to do whatever they want as long as they are willing to put with some nastiness for a few minutes.

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