
Would you ever work at McDonalds?

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why not?




  1. Yeah, never again.

  2. Lol low salary, no opportunities. Even the managers don`t get much.  Staff probably get treated like dirt.  Very similar to Ikea and I worked there

  3. I worked then when I was 16. It was a horrible job. The grease, smell of greasy food all day. It made your stomach do flip flops. You also came home smelling like a dirty fry bin. Pay was AWFUL!!

  4. They can train you into management and they give you health insurance yes i would. A job is a job McDonald's pays you and they are better than working in a chip shop or on a farm.

    Would always be looking for something better though and leave if i was offered something else but it pays the rent and at least your not on benefits.

  5. Yeah, and someof u guys answers are offensive to others so lay back on the language and meanniss. all this sweet lady did was ask a question. Now on my answer. My bff and cousion died . C she wrkd aat McDonaldss. so tht u guys answers meanly offended me. and yes. I would work there. you could meet lots of people. and find new friends. and help others. and on the other hand. no because you would be like working so fast... Like this and that then this.. ANd hury. Too much pressure. But still Ud be dirty no mater where u worked . Mcdonalds,themall, the beach, or even a clothing store(dust) so its the same everywhere. and every place has there own smell. and u no if u dnt like it then you could always just quit and try another job. I think tht theres a good side and a bad 1.. :)

  6. NO i would rather DIE!!!! I hate McDonalds!!!! It is soooooooo gross!!!

  7. i do im 15 what do you expect me to work at a corporate office

  8. Maybe in the past..but not now..


    Cause I have been working with BK since 93.. Haha.. Dun tell me to got stuff myself with another burger chain.. Please..

  9. I have done while I was 15, at school. It was horrible. Too many idiots saying they're in charge of you because they joined two weeks before you and the cleaning is never ending. They used to tell us to run on the tills then, although I expect it has stopped due to health and safety now.

    Oh, I got really fat too and had to go on a strict diet after.

  10. Why not. You get paid and keep your self respect. Should a better job turn up then take it.

  11. no coz mcdonalds make me wanna hurl atm! :(

  12. no, never, no chance . u just have to look how it works behind there counters lol id rather work at netos lol

  13. I would never work in McDonald's because then i would have 2 wash my hair every night 2 get the grease  out of it.

  14. Nope, never. Not enough money in it and all the ones who work in my local McD's are either arrogant little people or very strange so wouldnt wanna work with anyone like that.

  15. Why not?  If I needed a job and it was the only job available, I would.  Gotta make money somehow!

  16. No i think the food would make my skin greasy and i wouldnt be able to stand the smell all day

  17. The average McDonalds worker lasts 4 months at their job. I would work there part-time.

  18. to tide things over if nothing else yes..........better than claiming the old rock and roll....(dole)..respect for any one who does any job,none at all for those who sit at home all day,who are fit enough to work,but too idle to.

  19. No. My boyfriend works there and his mcdonalds is 24/7.

    He always has to work overnights and isnt paid enough.

    Always gets screwed over. People there are stupid and sometimes they will leave people by themselves with no help.

    He is a shift manager, and he hates it there.

    Plus customers are rude and go through the drive-thru drunk.

  20. No.

    I don't like fat people.

  21. I'm 16 and just finished school so it's a possibility! A couple of my friends already work there.

  22. I havent, but I would.

    because you would see a cross section of the population satisfy their hunger.

  23. I do work there mostly to give away freebies to the street urchins and me friends plus who could ask for a better way to move up in the world

  24. Yes I think its a great idea and opportunity to start somewhere and better than having no job at all. They are quite a high level company and good to have on your CV

  25. Nope. **** money and a bunch of evil corporate b******s.

  26. In high school, our team laughed at Ronnie because he worked at McDonald's. He worked his way up, now he owns 11 McDonald's and makes more money than all of us put together. We do get free fries, though.

  27. Yes, I would.  I have a neighbor who lost her husband and she went to work at the local McDonald's.  She was able to earn enough money to keep her home and she got free meals too!

  28. no, why be a waitress? rather be an air hostess(thats a civilised waitress)!

  29. i would if i had to, but they work hard for no respect and rubbish money.

  30. no i would not cause I do not like the food they serve and they offer low pay for sh**y work!

  31. They would not take me. I am a vegetarian. It's not my sort of thing.

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