
Would you expect your spouse to do this for you?

by Guest63962  |  earlier

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I am deathly afraid of airplanes and it helps out with my fear of airplanes to have the window seat. My husband and I are flying tomorrow with his parents and he signed up for seats today. He put himself in the window seat because he said he likes it. When I told him it helped my fear of airplanes to sit by the window, he didn't seem too willing to make compromises until one of his coworkers told him that if he really loves me, he'd give me the window seat. Would you expect this of your spouse? Is it a mark that he doesn't care about you?




  1. it means he's a selfish prick!

  2. It's a mark that he is thoughtless, but not necessarily uncaring. I if knew sitting by the window would help my husband, I wouldn't even second think it. Of course he could have it, but if it were the other way around, and he REALLY wanted to sit in the window seat, he would give it to me, but he may act like a 3 year old in the process, HOPING I would just say fine keep the window seat. Some men really are little boys in big boy bodies.

  3. Sorry i just think you want the window seat.  If you are afraid of planes wouldn't you want to be in the aisle seat?  My ex use to do this and he was fine he was just greedy.  Don't fly take a bus than or get separate rows so you both get the window.

  4. my hubby doesnt care about seats . he will give it up in a second  

  5. If if would help you, then he will probably give up his seat. However, I question your motives, since everyone knows that the window will ultimately be bad for anyone with a fear of flying. Every psychologist I know wants their patients to sit in the aisle seat and near the bulkhead.


  6. if my wife wanted the window so be it  

  7. He's being a brat.

    Talk to him reasonably though. Is he scared to fly and just not telling you maybe?

    Maybe you can find a way to compromise? I know it's hard, but try to be the bigger person and show him how a good relationship is supposed to work and if this behavior becomes a habbit, then don't put up with it!

  8. He is being selfish

    doesn't mean he doesn't care but men are sometimes inconsiderate

  9. Hey.  I called shotgun!?

  10. he should have said you can have the window after you told him of your fear!

  11. its a definate mark that he is selfish!!!!!!!! what the h**l is his problem!!!!! im afraid of airplanes too :[ never been on one, and im going on one in a month BY MYSELF!! aughhh im freaking out... but girl your husband doesnt deserve you..

  12. he would offer me the window...I wouldn't even need to ask..thats how it should be...supposed to take care of each other

  13. He is just being a guy.  A woman would give their seat up just to be nice but a man needs to be asked for his seat before he gives it up.  I'm guessing you didn't say "Babe, I hate to fly and when I do it makes me feel better to sit by the window.  Could I trade seats with you?"  Guys are selfish and he probably just didn't get that he needs to give his seat up.  He loves you.

  14. It's an airplane seat. What is this a remake of the movie, "The Wedding Singer."

    If my wife wanted the window seat, i would just give it to her because to me, I could careless where I sit at on a plane but that's just me. It doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. You can't tell him it helps you with your fear, you have to tell him that you are sitting by the window so you will feel more comfortable and safer by sitting by the window.

  15. It's not that he doesn't care about you, he just cares more about himself.  When it was brought to his attention that if he loved you he would...he did.  There are just some husbands that are a little slow in being galant with their wives.  Yours is not the only one.

    Be Blessed

  16. He would or I wouldnt go-PERIOD.

  17. It does not indicate he does not care about you, it indicates that he thinks of himself first.  I learned long ago never to "expect" anything from any one, that way I never get let down.  If I ASK someone to be considerate of me and they say NO, then I just tell them "OK then, do not ask me for anything, because I will say no".  That usually changes their minds real fast.  

  18. No i also like the window seat my husband is also afraid i would never seat next to the window but that's you i think that he was just being a little selfish nothing to be negative about he gave it to that's all that important but maybe you should not get the window seat get read of that fear you think?

  19. He should definitely still be the gentlemen he would be if you were still dating, unless he himself has a fear and just doesn't want to say anything.

  20. Its sounds like you have an EXCUSE to take the window seat.

    I'm not saying that your EXCUSE is real/fake or justified.

    You both want the window seat and to quote the co-worker "If you really loved your husband you would let your husband have the window seat."

  21. Maybe his elbows get bumped every time the drink cart goes by.  Your arms are smaller then his.  Maybe he'll be nice enough to let you lean over him and look out the window.

    Oh and dont forget to grab him a Heineken when the cart goes by.

  22. It amazes me on how some people answer these questions. Let me put it this way. I don't know what it means. If it was my husband I would say that he was mad at me because when we disagree on something he gets mad and do something that he knows will set me off. Talk to your husband and see what it means. That's the best advice I could give you.

  23. i had been taught that ladies always first, unfortunately you have selfish husband.

  24. its very important to learn to pick your battles

  25. No, it just means he cares about himself more.

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