
Would you favor cutting fat out of the defense budget?

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in order to help pay off the trillion dollar debt that the Bush crowd had run up?

Anybody who has served in the military knows that there are billions wasted every year. Under current circumstances, every month.




  1. Yes. The first thing I would cut is this program to build a missile defense shield in Europe. Why should we build a shield to protect Eurpoeans?

  2. sure i would.

    but i have found out that not everyone considers the same things to be fat in the budget.

  3. It never lasts. If you remember $600 toilet seats, $1,000 claw hammers etc., every time fat is cut from the Defense Budget, people like Cheney & Bush figure out how to double their take. Now they hide it under "executive privilege".

  4. When the roulette is still spinning?

    Place all bets and double up.

    Who knows?

    May hit a "Licky Strike"

    With the home-run.

    What's the chances of "0"

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  5. I'd rather cut the fat out of the education budget and give it to the military.

  6. The fat that we need to cut isn't in the defense budget, it's in our entitlement programs or the education department.  Both are areas in which the federal government was never intended to be involved in.

  7. first off america was in (and has been in since the death of andrew jackson) exteam debt. It has nothing to do with bush. second slowing our military spending would cause weakness in american power, whick is important right now

  8. The entire budget for "entitlements" and for education would not carry DOD for a week.

    Entire systems that are purchased when they are known not to work would be a good example of DOD fat. Flying lobsters from Maine to bases overseas for O.Clubs that make Buckingham Palace look like a shack would be another. Competitive R&D is a biggie (between branches), the list is endless..

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