This is a question from both me and my husband... About a week ago, our seven year old daughter busted out a window in the house. She was kicking a soccer ball into the wall of the house, something we had asked her not to do. We have a big yard to do these things in. My husband told her if we saw her doing it, she would be punished. After she busted out the window you could tell she was sorry. She was almost in tears. She was promised a spanking, and we felt we could not back down on that. After the spanking she said she learned her lesson, but she learned before the spanking. She has been giving us the silent treatment. We feel bad that we spanked her now. We know we should of punished her. I think we let our anger get in the way. We made poor judgement. We don't want to apolgize becasue this will make her think she can get out of punishment. Any suggestions?